Stories from Junior & Senior Classes

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I like Bart.
He is very funny.
He has spiky hair like me.
I watch it every Sunday.
It is on at six o’ clock.
It is great.


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Dear Ugly Sisters,

You are not very nice to me.
I have to do all the work.
Now I can not go to the ball.
Will you please help me?

By Amy.

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Dear Hansel and Gretel.

Please come to my house.
I am sorry for locking you
in jail.
I will have a party on Sunday.

The Old Lady.

By Peter


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Dear Troll,

Why won’t you let me cross the bridge?
There are flowers across the bridge.
Please let me have the flowers.

Lots of love,

The Billy Goats.

By Sarah.


Doris the Donkey.

I like Doris the Donkey.
She is a donkey and she has a cat.
It is on at 2 o’clock.

On the last day they were looking for treasure.
They found it.
It was very funny.

By Peter.

Father Ted.

I was watching Father Ted On tv.
He is on Monday.
He is good fun.
He is on at ten o’ clock.

By Pádraig


My favourite t.v program is Sabrina.
She is very funny.
I love when Sabrina does a spell on the master his trousers fell down.
It is on at six o’ clock.
It is on at Monday and Friday.

By Marese

My Jewellery Box.

I got it on Valentines Day.
It was gold.
My Daddy gave it to me.
I love Daddy.
He is good to me.

By Clara.

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My Party

I am going to play football.
I am going to play pass the parcel.
My Mammy is going to play with me.

By Cahir.

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I am six now.
We played house.
I have lots of friends and cousins.
At my next party I will be seven.
I got lots of presents.
I ate lots of sweets.

By Marese.

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My Pets

I got rabbits.
Our dog had puppies.
They are called Goldie and Blackie Wackie and Kackie Wackie and Cloudy.
There are black and one is gold.
I like them.
I play with them.

By Cian.

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Our Silver Jubilee

It was on Thursday, the 4th of February.
I liked the cake.
It had 25 years on it.
I liked the crisps and lemonade.
Fiona and Peter said prayers.
We were singing together.
It was a great day.

By Aisling and Marese.

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There was a fire in the office.
Three firemen were hurt.
My Daddy showed us the building.


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The Anglo -Celt Fire.

There was a fire in the office.
It was in Cavan town.
I saw it on the Celt.
Mammy heard it on the radio.

By Amy


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The Circus.

It came on Friday, the 4th of February.
It was on at 7 o’ clock.
The monkey was nice.
He had a scary face.
The man put fire in his mouth.
A big Daddy Long Legs came out.
Ah! we shouted out.
Two lovely clowns called Saucepan and
Sausage came out.

It was great fun.

The End.

By Junior Infants.


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Dear Granny.

Mammy said that you are very sick.
Will I go to your house?
Now I will see you on Friday.
We will have a party.

Love, Red Riding Hood.

By Aisling



My Dogs.

I am playing with the dogs.

The dogs like me.

Jet and Judy were jumping up on me.

They were playing in the house.

By Amy.

My Dream

One night I had a dream that my mammy was small.

It was very funny.

I woke up with a shock.

I did not tell my Mammy.

Don’t tell her please.


By Sean.


My Trip.

I went to Brazil. It was very hot. I went to the beach.

I could swim in the big waves.

My Daddy was with me.

By Clara.



My Visitors.

My cousins are coming in May.

They are coming in the Summer.

Mark and I are going bike riding and Henry

too. We are going to the amusements.

By Sarah.



Our Special Tree

We planted our tree on Wednesday 10th March,99.

I like the tree.

We all helped.

We saw the tree.

Orla and Gareth helped.

It gives us paper.

By Cian.



The Cinema.

I Went to the cinema

I saw A Bugs Life.

Daddy and Ciara came with me.

I got a big bag of jolly mixtures.

I went to Mc Donalds.

I got a toy and a ladybird.



By Damien.



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