
Norwegian Forest Cats - Wild Look with Friendly Character

Birmans - The Cat with the White Socks

Sylvia van Irma la Poes (Snoetje)

In Memoriam


born 20th January 1999

died 5th March 2003


Our Snoetje was pregnant and all seems to go well. However, at the last end of her pregnancy, she had a sudden kidney failure which became fatale for her and her babies. The day before she died we went to the vet because we did not trust the situation with her. The bloodtest indicated a kidney problem but there was still a chance to get better. The night before she died, the kittens were still alive. She was with us here at home that night, having a drip against dehydration and for extra energy. We stayed awake whole night to comfort her and to give her all our love. We knew that the whole situation was very complicated but there was a small bit of hope. During the night her condition became weaker. The next day the results of another bloodtest indicated that the situation had worsened and that she wouldn't survive. A caesarian was too late to save the kittens life and during this operation our Snoetje lost her life too.

Our family was very dismayed and sad by what happened with our Snoetje and her kittens.


For our dear Snoetje and her four children


There is a bridge of memories

from earth to heaven above

It keeps our dear ones near us

It's the bridge that we call love.


Whilst expecting life, so suddenly we had to say farewell to you

and to your four little kittens.


You were such a little lady with character. Although you were the smallest of all, you ruled the house of cats.

We are very happy having so many lovely memories of you that you will always be in our heart and in our minds.

We are also very happy with your son Baby and granddaughter Fairy, both here with us, who gives us lots of beautiful memories of you.


Many hugs and kisses from your two sons Anmcha and Baby.


May you rest in peace, sweetheart !


Marjan, Erwin, Diewerke, Jelle

Mouky, Luna, Noada, Poki, Ayson, Twinkol and Baby

Snoetje, last pictured 23rd Feb 03

a very pregnant mother carrying her four little babies