Eight Beech Hill College students were the proud recipients of National Awards
in Metalwork and Engineering at a recent presentation by the Engineering Teachers'
Association. These awards were presented in recognition of excellent results obtained
by the students in Metalwork and Engineering in the Junior Certificate and
Leaving Certificate Examinations in June 2003.
Sinead McCooey received a Gold Medal for obtaining the highest overall marks in
Engineering in Ireland at Leaving Certificate level.
Vincent McAree received an award and Certificate of Excellence for coming third
in the National Finals of the Young Engineer Competition.
Conor McCague earned a Silver Medal for obtaining the second highest marks in
Engineering at Applied Leaving Certificate level.
Conor McManus received a Certificate of Excellence for the highest mark in the
Metlwork Project Higher Level in the Junior Certificate Examination.
Paul Connolly, Paul Mullen and Dermot Treanor earned Certificates of Excellence
for their Junior Certificate Metalwork Projects at Ordinary Level.
Michael Carey received a Silver Medal for getting the highest overall marks in
Metalwork at Junior Certificate Ordinary Level.
Well done to all and to Beech Hill College which had the distinction of collecting
the highest number of awards at that ceremony.