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Beech Hill College
"Science2Life" at Beech Hill College (October 2005)
It was called 'Science 2 Life' and that is just what it was. Science was brought to life in all its magic for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students at Beech Hill College as part of Science Week. The fifty-minute show covered a wide range of topics such as energy changes, chemical reactions, physical and chemical properties of materials, sound, flight trajectories and much more.
Presented by physicist, Sue McGrath, the show was fun and spectacle from beginning to end, while all the time making science simple, real and relevant. Students sat enthralled in the college library as one by one their colleagues did amazing things and produced almost magical results in front of their eyes, under the guidance of Sue. They produced buckets of oozy slime, indoor snowstorms and erupting water fountains. They saw bubbles within bubbles and water-filled balloons remaining intact as flame was applied (over a student's head).
On the right physicist, Sue McGrath, looks like a cross between Roberta the Builder and top chef Darina Allen!
At a time when colleges and experts are warning of a fall-off in the uptake of science in our schools, this show is just what is needed to instil that sense of wonder and experimentation in the minds of our young students. Students made and ate ice cream without the use of a fridge and watched as a flash fire broke out. The whole experience was enjoyable and educational and the college library remained unstained and unscathed despite the eruptions and explosions.
This student sees how easy it is to start a flash fire.
The student on the left is so glad that the water-filled balloon did not burst over his head, while on the right we see a student making flourescent, green, gooey slime
Created by: Mary Carroll
Beech Hill College, Monaghan
Page Created: November 03, 2005