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IRISH BIRD NEWS - July 2003 | |||||
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Montagu's Harrier - Tacumshin, Co. Wexford. © Killian Mullarney | Redhead - Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork. © Steve Wing | Sharp-tailed Sandpiper - Ballycotton, Co. Cork. © Paul Moore | ||||
TUE 1 JUL - No sign of the Hobbys at Killoughter in Co. Wicklow, 2 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove, Co. Dublin. News was received via IBN of a Manx Shearwater caught last week on the Copeland Islands, Co. Down that had originally been ringed, as an adult, in 1953 ! WED 2 JUL - A Ring-billed Gull was at Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim, the 2 Hobbys were seen again at Killoughter, Co. Wicklow, Red-crested Pochard at Tacumshin and an Arctic Skua was off Carnsore Point, both Co. Wexford. News was also recieived of the first successful breeding attempts by Little Egrets at sites in west Co. Cork and on the east coast of Ireland. THU 3 JUL - 5 Roseate Terns were a good record at Lough Beg in Co. Cork, 1 Hobby was at Killoughter, Co. Wicklow. Late news was received today of an Alpine Swift which was seen near Doolin in Co. Clare on 21 June (perhaps the bird from Brandon Head in Co. Kerry?) FRI 4 JUL - 2 Little Egrets were at Broad Lough, Co. Wicklow and 4 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove, Co. Dublin. SAT 5 JUL - A Pectoral Sandpiper was seen at Tacumshin in Co. Wexford where the Red-crested Pochard was also present, a first-summer Forster's Tern was at Lady's Island Lake, Co. Wexford, 18 Litle Egrets were at Tramore, Co. Waterford while another 8 were counted at Rochestown in Cork, the first returning Green Sandpiper was at Rogerstown in Co. Dublin and 11 Common Sandpipers were at Ardmore Point, Lough Neagh, Co. Armagh. SUN 6 JUL - An eclipse drake borealis (N. American) Eider was reported from Cruisetown Strand, Co. Louth, 20 Green Sandpipers were at the Mallow sugar factory lagoons in Co. Cork while another was at Rogerstown, Co. Dublin, 1 Hobby was seen at Killoughter, Co. Wicklow and a Balearic Shearwater was seen off Galley Head, Co. Cork. MON 7 JUL - A quiet day with only several Mediterranean Gulls at Sandycove in Co. Dublin reported. TUE 8 JUL - 11 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove in Co. Dublin WED 9 JUL - A Turtle Dove was a good find at Skerries in north Co. Dublin, 2 Little Egrets and a Roseate Tern were at Lough Beg near Cork City, 3 Green Sandpipers were at the Quoile Pondage, Co. Down and 9 Mediterranean Gulls were seen at Sandycove in Co. Dublin and later at nearby Sandymount Strand. THU 10 JUL - The Red-crested Pochard and a group of 5 Garganey (1 Ad & 4 juvs) were at Tacumshin along with 2 Ruddy Duck, 1 Hobby continues to be seen at Killoughter in Co. Wicklow, a Great Skua and 34 Common Scoter passed the Old Head of Kinsale today and 3 Green Sandpipers were at Quoile Pondage in Co. Down. FRI 11 JUL - Red-crested Pochard and 2 Ruddy Ducks at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford while good numbers of Storm Petrels and a Great Skua were noted off Bloody Foreland, Co. Donegal. SAT 12 JUL - An eclipse male duck showing all the characters of a Redhead was found at Lough Errul on Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, a Short-toed Lark was discovered at Tacumshin in Co. Wexford where 2 Garganey were also present, a Pectoral Sandpiper was found on Tory Island, Co. Donegal along with a Ring-billed Gull, 12 Little Gulls were at Cahore, Co. Wexford, 4 Mediterranean Gulls at Sandycove, Co. Dublin and 6 Little Gulls were at Crusietown Strand, Co. Louth. SUN 13 JUL - The Redhead was still present on Cape Clear Island in Co. Cork today, in Co. Wexford the Short-toed Lark was seen again at Tacumshin as were the Red-crested Pochard and 2 Garganey and a Hobby was seen near Castlebridge. MON 14 JUL - The Redhead was still on Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork while an adult Sabine's Gull was seen between Cape and Sherkin Island, Short-toed Lark and Red-crested Pochard also present today at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, a Garganey was at Reedy Flats, Co Armagh and a Little Stint was at the Shannon Airport Lagoons, Co. Clare. TUE 15 JUL - The Redhead was seen again on Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork while in Co. Dublin 9 Mediterranean Gulls including a fresh unringed juvenile were at Sandycove and later at Sandymount. WED 16 JUL - No sign of the Redhead today on Cape Clear Island, 12 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove, Co. Dublin and a late report was received of a Pectoral Sandpiper seen yesterday at Swords, Co. Dublin. THU 17 JUL - A Wilson's Petrel and a Sooty Shearwater were seen off Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, 9 Green Sandpipers were seen near Blake's Cross / Rogerstown Estuary, Co. Dublin, a Yellow-legged Gull was at Hollywood Banks, Co. Down and a Little Gull and Roseate Tern were at the RSPB Reserve in Belfast Lough. FRI 18 JUL - 1 Sooty Shearwater and 1 Geat Skua were seen from the Old Head of Kinsale, Co. Cork, a Balearic Shearwater was seen off Ramore Head, Co. Antrim, the borealis type Eider was seen again at Cruisetown Strand, Co. Louth, 24 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove, Co. Dublin, and local fishermen off SW Cork have reported 7 - 8 Wilson's Petrels in recent weeks the most recent being 4 miles south of Baltimore 2 days ago. SAT 19 JUL - A Fea's Petrel was seen from Galley Head, Co. Cork along with 2 Cory's and 12 Sooty Shearwaters plus 16 Great Skuas while a Wilson's Petrel was seen on a pelagic trip off Union Hall, also in Co. Cork and 2 Cory's and 1 Sooty were seen from Cape Clear Island, 36 Little Gulls were at Cahore and a Turtle Dove was seen near Lady's Island Lake, Co. Wexford, 25 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove, Co. Dublin and a Ruff was at Broad Lough, Co. Wicklow. SUN 20 JUL - A Pectoral Sandpiper was found at Allen's Pool in Ballycotton, Co. Cork while seawatching elsewhere in the county produced 4 Cory's, 1 Great , 1 Sooty and 2 Balearic Shearwaters plus 2 Great Skuas off Cape Clear Island, 1 Cory's and 1 Balearic off Galley Head and 1 Sooty and 2 Great Skuas off the Old Head of Kinsale, a Quail was seen on Dursey Island, Co. Cork, the Red-crested Pochard and 2 Ruff were at Tacumshin and a Little Stint was at Cahore, Co. Wexford. MON 21 JUL - Sooty Shearwater off Carnsore Point, Co. Wexford, Arctic Skua, Great Skua and 1 "large" Shearwater were seen off Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, 15 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove, Co. Dublin while 4 Roseate Terns were seen along the Co. Antrim coast. TUE 22 JUL - A Sabine's Gull was found at Cobh, Co. Cork and later seen at Lough Beg, an unconfirmed report was received of a Snowy Owl on Arranmore Island, Co. Donegal, a Corncrake was heard near Navan, Co. Meath, 1 Cory's and 1 Balearic Shearwater were the highlights from a pelagic off Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork, the Red-crested Pochard, a Ruff and over 2,000 Dunlin were seen at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford while 3 Arctic Skuas were seen off Carnsore Point, a Curlew Sandpiper was at Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow and 10 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove, Co. Dublin. WED 23 JUL - Seawatching today produced 1 Great, 1 Sooty and 2 Balearic Shearwaters plus 18 Great Skuas off Cape Clear Island, 1 Cory's, 1 Sooty and 2 Balearic Shearwaters off Galley Head , Co. Cork and 1 Cory's and 12 Sooty Shearwaters off the Bridges of Ross, Co. Clare, a Pectoral Sandpiper was discovered at the Quoile Pondage in Co. Down, a Goshawk was reported from Lough Beg, a Marsh Harrier was seen in the Shannon Callows, Co. Offaly and 9 Mediterranean Gulls including 3 fresh juveniles were noted at Cobh, both in Co. Cork and a Corncrake was reported again from Browntown, Co. Meath. THU 24 JUL - There was an unconfirmed report of a possible Black Duck between Fota and Glounthaun in Co. Cork, 6 Little Gulls and 6 Arctic Skuas were the highlights from Cruisetown Strand, Co. Louth and 11 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove, Co. Dublin. FRI 25 JUL - A Buff-breasted Sandpiper was found today at Kilcoole in Co. Wicklow while a Night Heron was reported from Lissagriffin on Mizen Head, Co. Cork and 5 Great Skuas were seen off Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork. SAT 26 JUL - An adult/second-summer male Montagu's Harrier was found today at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford where the Short-toed Lark was also present, A Wilson's Petrel was the highlight from a seawatch off the Bridges of Ross, Co. Clare which also produced 2 Cory's and 3 Balearic Shearwaters, 1 Pomarine Skua and over 10,000 Manx Shearwaters, a Green Sandpiper was at Moyasta, Co. Clare while 2 Green Sandpipers and a Spotted Redshank were at Harper's Island near Glounthaune, Co. Cork. SUN 27 JUL - An adult Sharp-tailed Sandpiper was found today at Ardnahinch, near Shanagarry, Co. Cork, male Montagu's Harrier, Short-toed Lark, Red-crested Pochard , 3 Curlew Sandpipers and a Little Stint at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, 2 Yellow Wagtails including a male of the "Blue-headed" race were seen at Cahore, Co. Wexford along with a female Marsh Harrier and a Green Sandpiper, the Buff-breasted Sandpiper reappeared at Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow while seawatching today only produced 1 Sooty Shearwater off Galley Head, Co. Cork. MON 28 JUL - The Sharp-tailed Sandpiper was still at Ardnahinch, Co. Cork but was commuting between there and Allen's Pool in nearby Ballycotton, a (presumed) Fea's Petrel was seen from Galley Head in Co. Cork along with 2 Sooty Shearwaters and 2 Arctic Skuas while a Balearic Shearwater was seen off Kilcoole in Co. Wicklow, the male Montagu's Harrier and a Marsh Harrier were at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford and a Little Gull was at the Bann Estuary, Co. Derry. TUE 29 JUL - The Sharp-tailed Sandpiper was seen again at Ardnahinch, Co. Cork while elsewhere in the county Sabine's Gulls were noted at Cobh and off Cape Clear Island where 27 Great Skuas, 2 Sooty Shearwaters and 2 Arctic Skuas were also logged, at Galley Head 22 Great Skuas were seen along with 2 Geat , 6 Balearic and 2 Sooty Shearwaters, the Short-toed Lark was still at Tacumshin as was the Montagu's and a Marsh Harrier and 12 Mediterranean Gulls were noted at Sandycove in Co. Dublin including 2 juveniles. WED 30 JUL - The Sharp-tailed Sandpiper reappeared at Ardnahinch, Co. Cork after an absence of over 24 hours, a Bonaparte's Gull was found at the Mallow Sugar Factory lagoons in Co. Cork where 1 Green Sandpiper was also seen, male Montagu's Harrier, Marsh Harrier and Red-crested Pochard at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow, Osprey at the Lough Beg, Co. Derry and 14 Mediterranean Gulls were at Sandycove, Co. Dublin. THU 31 JUL - White-winged Black Tern found at Lough Derg, Co. Tipperary, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper still at Ardnahinch, Co. Cork, Bonaparte's Gull and 10 Green Sandpipers at Mallow Sugar Factory Lagoons, Co. Cork, Buff-breasted Sandpier at Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow, Montagu's and Marsh Harrier at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford, Osprey at Lough beg, Co. Derry, seawatching today produced 1 Great and 1 Balearic Shearwater at the Old Head of Kinsale and 1 Sabine's Gull, 1 Cory's, 1 Balearic Shearwater, a Pomarine Skua and good numbers of Storm Petrels off Galley Head, both Co. Cork. | ||