Dutch National Gymnast Visits Club

Alexander Dehher, from Meliskerke, The Netherlands, visited the club for one session on Wednesday, February 24th. Alexander, who is a student in the Netherlands, and was visiting Ireland with a school group, is a member of the Netherlands National Display Team. He is mostly involved in doing trampoline and trampette work, non-competitively. He told us of how much different gymnastics is in the Netherlands, with 95% of the gymnasts not competing, but doing the sport for fun. In the Netherlands, gymnastics is the country's most popular sport.

Alexander, gave our gymnasts coaching tips on trampette and vault and also some helpful hints with our Sports Acro Pairs. We thank Alexander for his visit!


Alexander giving Paul Mullen some tips on his vaulting.

Visit of Vejle Gym Team - Denmark

A group of 43 Danish Gymnasts visited Ireland recently, and went on tour all around the country. Most importantly though they came to Monaghan and put on a magnificent display in Monaghan Shopping Centre organised by our Gym Club.

On Thursday 16th of July the gymnasts of Vejle Gym Team-Denmark, gave the public an hour-long display, of a combination of Rhythmic Exercise, Gymnastic Tumbling and some Danish Folk Dance.

This presentation showed up the fun, enjoyable side to this great sport.







Afterwards, the gymnasts travelled to Scotstown G.A.A. Complex where they held a workshop to teach the local people some skills.

Everyone there was taught different skills on the trampoline, track and vault.They were also shown acrobatic balances, some Danish Folk Dance and Face Painting.

Everyone had a great time, and we would like to thank the Danish Gymnasts very much.