Bree Parish NewsletterSat & Sun January
28th & 29th 2012
Bree Church Notices |
Entrance Antiphon
us , O Lord our God! Confiteor
I confess to almighty God and to
you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, Gloria
Glory to God in the highest, FIRST READING: Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Ps 94:1-2. 6-9. SECOND READING
Corinthians 7:32-35
I would like to see you free from all worry. An
unmarried man can devote himself to the Lord's affairs, all he need worry about is
pleasing the Lord; but a married man has to bother about the world's affairs and devote
himself to pleasing his wife: he is torn two ways. In the same way an unmarried woman,
like a young girl, can devote herself to the Lord's affairs; all she need worry about is
being holy in body and spirit. The married woman, on the other hand, has to worry about
the world's affairs and devote herself to pleasing her husband. I say this only to help
you, not to put a halter round your necks, but simply to make sure that everything is as
it should be, and that you give your undivided attention to the Lord. Gospel Acclamation
Mt 11: 25 Alleluia, alleluia! GOSPEL
Mark 1:21-28
and his followers went as far as Capernaum, and as soon as the Sabbath came Jesus went to
the synagogue and began to teach. And his teaching made a deep impression on them because,
unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority. In
their synagogue just then there was a man possessed by an unclean spirit, and it shouted,
'What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you
are: the Holy One of God.' But Jesus said sharply, 'Be quiet! Come out of him!' And the
unclean spirit threw the man into convulsions and with a loud cry went out of him. The
people were so astonished that they started asking each other what. it all meant. 'Here is
a teaching that is new' they said 'and with authority behind it: he gives orders even to
unclean spirits and they obey him.' And his reputation rapidly spread everywhere, through
all the surrounding Galilean countryside. Creed
I believe in one God, the Father
almighty, (At the words that
follow up to and including and and by the Holy Spirit was
incarnate The Preface
The Lord be with you. At the end of the Preface all
say: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of
hosts. The mystery of faith. Resp: We proclaim your death, O Lord, Behold the Lamb of God, R. Lord, I am not worthy that you
should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. Mass Intentions
Jan 28th Mary Carr,
Coolteigue Church Readers Fifth
Sunday of Ordinary time
Sat, Feb 4th 7
James Doyle Rosary
Rosary will be recited in Bree Church on Saturday evening next, February 4th
before Mass. Mass
Morning mass on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. Weekly Envelopes
Bree weekly Church Envelopes
collection last weekend amounted to 661.50. Thank
you to all who contributed. Envelopes for
2012 are available for collection at the rear of the Church. First Friday
Fr Murphy will attend to house Communion calls on
Friday. The sacrament of Penance will be
available after morning mass and at 7:00 pm. Sympathy Sympathy is extended to
Mrs. Mary Egan Byrne and the Byrne family of Corlican and Clonmore on the recent death of
Paddy Byrne. Eucharistic Congress 2012 Dublin
June 10-17
· The 50th International Eucharistic Congress
2012 will take place in Dublin from June 10th to 17th 2012 with the
theme The Eucharist: Communion with Christ and with one another, and
expects up to 20,000 pilgrims each day at the RDS, of whom about 50% will come from
overseas. · The Congress is an international gathering of people,
every four years somewhere in the world, which aims to promote an awareness of the central
place of the Eucharist in the life and mission of the Catholic Church; to help improve our
understanding and celebration of the liturgy and to draw attention to the social dimension
of the Eucharist. These aims are achieved through a programme of pastoral preparation in
the years leading up to the Congress and a programme of liturgical and cultural events,
lectures and workshops over the course of one week. · The theme of the Congress is The Eucharist: Communion
with Christ and with one Another. (Communion like Solidarity
means a relationship of mutual love and self-giving) The concluding event of the Congress will be a Mass in
Croke Park, in which approximately 80,000 people will participate. · Previous Congresses took place in Quebec (2008) and
Guadalajara (2004) · For more information: Registration
for the Congress is now live on · Eucharistic
Congress Statio Orbis A limited number of tickets for the final mass of the Eucharistic
Congress (Statio Orbis) in Croke
Park on June 17 have been allocated to the Diocese. Application forms are now available at
the Cathedral Parish Office. A 10.00 contribution
is requested towards the costs involved in putting on the event. Tickets strictly on a first come, first
served basis. The Eucharistic Congress office will not be allocating spaces
at the Statio Orbis, other than to those who have requested places as part of a Congress
booking for three or seven days. Bree Parish Choir
Bree Parish Choir is currently seeking new adult members
to more effectively lead congregational singing at Mass and to expand and develop its
repertoire of Church music, from simple melody to Choral pieces. We are not looking for opera stars, just people
who enjoy singing and for the variety of voice ranges: soprano, alto, tenor and bass. Holy Week is only 9 weeks away, so there is already
a sense of urgency! Please come along to a
practice in Bree Church on Thursday Feb 9th - 8-9pm. "Bis
orat qui bene cantat" ("Who sings well prays twice") Patron Garrynisk,
Edermine cemetery on Feb 12 at 3:00 pm. Lourdes Diocesan Pilgrimage Application forms for a place on the assisted pilgrimage (invalid section) are now available from Fr Murphy. Application for this section need to be completed by the end of February. _________________________________________________________________________ General NoticesEvening
of Music in St David's Church, Oylegate
Following the great success of our Evening of Music last
January, we are delighted to have an opportunity to again welcome back BRENDAN BOWYER to
Oylegate Church on Sunday the 29th January for another wonderful night's entertainment.
The concert will begin at 8.00 p.m. and admission is 10. Other guests on the night
will include the WEXFORD SINGING PRIESTS (Fr's Jim Fegan, Aodhán Marken & William
Howell), Carrickbyrne Pike Choir, Lorna Mahon, and a number of other top class artists.
Tickets available from (053) 9138192 and from Oylegate-Glenbrien Parish Office. All
proceeds in aid of Oylegate Parish funds and Oylegate Community Centre Fund. Hope
Cancer Support Centre
you been bereaved by cancer? Is it at least one year since your loss? Do you feel that you
need some support to help you through your grieving process? The Hope Cancer Support
Centre runs a five week bereavement programme that maybe of interest to you. Camross
Passion Play,
Camross Passion Play will be performed in Wexford Opera House on Saturday 10 March 2012. Early booking advisable - phone 053-9122144
(Wexford Opera House). Tidy
Towns Meeting
Bree Tidy Towns will hold a
meeting on Monday 6th February at 8.00 p.m. in the Community Centre.We would welcome a
representative from each housing estate in the village and all interested in the tidy
towns programme to come along and help plan for the 2012 competition. Bree Macra News
of luck to the Bree Macra na Feirme Team in the All Ireland Capers Competition being held
on Saturday next, 4th February. The final is taking place in Kavanagh Community Hall,
Cappoquin, Co. Waterford, where Bree will compete against 6 other teams from Cork, Wicklow
and Meath in what is sure to be a thrilling competition. Tickets are available at the
door (15euro for adults and 5 euro for children) with the show kicking off at 7.30.
All support on the night would be appreciated. Under 12 Boys
Gaelic Football
Could the parents/guardians of
all the under 12 boys who wish to play football this year please text Charlie
Parnell 086/8298568 with their name and date of birth in order to
ascertain numbers for the GO Games competition. If there are sufficient numbers two teams
will be entered. Any parents wishing to help with coaching please contact Charlie on
the above number. Table Quiz
Bree Davidstown Community Games
will hold a fundraising Table Quiz in Ryans Lounge, Galbally on Friday February 10th. All support greatly appreciated. Bree Parish Journal
Community Alert Meeting
A Community Alert meeting will
take place in Bree Community Centre on Monday January 30th at 8 pm. All
interested people are invited to attend. Valuable crime prevention advice will be given on
the night, and also information regarding grant aid for security devices for vulnerable
older people. Bree Youth Club News
Youth Club is well and truly back in the swing of things for 2012 and as membership is
well up on last year, Club nights mean a lot of people are coming and going. In the
interest of everybody's safety, we would like to remind parents to drop and collect their
children on time. The Club would also like parents to take note of the fact that children
who are dropped off early cannot enter the Club, until 7pm in the case of the Juniors, and
8 pm in the caseof the Seniors. The Club is not responsible for the children before these
times and if they are waiting in the car park of the community centre they are
unsupervised. In the interest of the children, the Club, local residents and other users
we would repeat our request that parents drop and collect promptly and discourage their
children from waiting in the car park before their Club session commences. Congratulations Bree
Community Development Group Meeting The
next meeting of Bree Community Development Group will take place on Monday February 6th
at 8.30 p.m. in Bree Hall. Bree Hall Committee
next meeting of Bree Hall Committee will take place on Monday February 13th at
8.30 p.m. in Bree Hall. Ballyhogue GAA Club News
Lotto Adult Training Adult Training will resume on
February 3rd in Bree. All old and new players are welcome. GAA Grounds Closure. Due to the ongoing works on
the driveway into the GAA Grounds in Bree, the Grounds are closed until further notice. E-mail Finally if anyone would like to be added to the clubs emailing list to receive these notices in the future via email please email your name to or like our page on Facebook by searching for us under Ballyhogue (Bree) GAA Club. |
Galbally/ Ballyhogue Church Notices |
Fr. Matt's contact number is 053-9247814