// The function addArtistItem() accepts 4 string arguments seperated by a comma as follows // (1) - Artist Name // (2) - The URL of the page that displays the artists pictures, ('ArtistName/index.html'), blank for default // (3) - URL for thumbnail to place alongside name, ('ArtistName/Thumbnails/sampleImage.jpg') // (4) - Some text about the artist, (use
for new line, BOLD TEXT, ITALICS, etc.) addArtistItem('Chris Brown', '', 'Chris Brown/thumbnails/Picture 010.jpg', 'Chris Brown'); addArtistItem('Artist 2', 'INVALID', 'Aritst 2/thumbnails/dscn0453.jpg', 'A bit of Text about Artist 2'); addArtistItem('Artist 3', 'INVALID', 'Aritst 3/thumbnails/dscn0656.jpg', 'A bit of Text about Artist 3');