//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Regions data (postcode groups) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data types: // // -postcode range: "00000,00000=name" (must be numbers) // -single code: "00000=name" // -single code+name: "00000;PlaceNameAsinCSV=name" // -single name: ";PlaceNameAsinCSV=name" // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Changelog: // // 01.04.2015 nigmm // * Format of original file from NIG 1.851 package slightly updated for nigmm. // Data not checked and not verified, so it's probably outdated. // Not all data moved to this file. // Image links removed or replaced by links to EBT. // // 03.07.2008 <> // * Last change in original file. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Country=Cyprus PrintZeros=0 // group 01 Group=Districts of Cyprus 5000,5999=Famagusta, Αμμόχωστος (Ammochostos), Gazimağusa/Mağusa 9000,9999=Kyrenia, Κερύvεια (Keryneia), Girne 6000,7999=Larnaca, Λάρνακα (Larnaka), Larnaka/İskele 3000,4999=Limassol, Λεμεσός (Lemesos), Limasol/Leymosun 1000,2999=Nicosia, Λευκωσία (Lefkosia), Lefkoşa 8000,8999=Paphos, Πάφος (Pafos), Baf // end