St. Brigid's College Boarding School

Boarding School

When St. Brigid's Missionary School closed in 1959 the Community decided to open a Boarding school in the building as they felt this was were the need lay at that time. In September of that same year thirty boarders registered. By 1969 the numbers had grown to over 100 and so an extension comprising forty cubicles, a large dining hall and cloakrooms were added to the existing building. These costs were met by the Community. By 1977 it was evident to the Sisters that the old building (the former Callan Lodge) was no longer safe as a boarding school. The big question for the Community at this time was whether to build new accommodation or close down the boarding school. After much soul-searching it was decided that a new building should be provided. This building, which cost in the region of £240,000 was officially opened on February 1st 1978 - St. Bridgid's Day. In 1992 a new study hall and other facilities were added. This new addition was built on the site of Callan Lodge which had been demolished the previous year.

Today the building accommodates 94 pupils. The demand for places in the Boarding School is ever on the increase and in the early 90's in order not to disappoint parents who wanted to send their daughters to St.Brigid's College, the Sisters approached families in the vacinity of the school and asked them to take in boarders. These boarding houses, numbering now about 8, provide full accommodation and supervised study for the students.
