
If you are interested in fishing or boating to explore an island, or just going for a picnic, you can use one of our many boats moored at the unique timber jetty floating in the garden at Camillaun.

From this, you'll have immediate access to the internationally famous 'Lough Corrib' by travelling down the beautiful Owenriff River. Despite its large size, much of Lough Corrib comprises of small bays and inlets as well as hundreds of islands.
Inchagoill Island on Lough Corrib
Breathtaking Inchagoill is the largest of these Islands and is steeped in history. The Island has two ancient churches, ruins of which go back to the 5th century and one can enjoy a superb walk through its lovely woods. Land the boat on the beautiful sandy western shore of the Island, and you'll find the ideal spot for a picnic.

Some of the best fishing in the Lough is to be found of the islands northern shore, making a day at Inchagoill suitable for families who enjoy angling, boating or simply beaching.

Castlekirk Island on Lough Corrib
Castlekirk is another of the famous castles on Lough Corrib. It is located well up the top end of the lake and is infrequently visited as it is off the beaten track. Again it is a beautiful castle having been one of the strongholds of Grainnuaile (Grainne O'Malley) the pirate queen of Connemara.


Lough Corrib is renowned for the quality of its wild brown trout and there is no other lake in Europe to compare with it. It is truly the envy of the angling world.
Local anglers traditionally troll the briceen (minnow) from the start of the season on February 15th and net some fine bags of fish. As the weather warms up, in March and April, the duckfly (a black chironomid) hatch peaks and trout can be taken on pupa and adult patterns. You can still troll the lake successfully during this period as well as and traditional wet fly fishing with a team of flies is also very successful. Duckfly and Olive fishing continues through April.

By May 5th the Mayfly, for which Lough Corrib is famous, is the primary quarry of the trout. Of there's a good breeze the fishing can be outstanding, especially with the dapped natural fly and there is always the chance that you could latch onto the trout of a lifetime. Even salmon can find the mayfly irresistible. Lough Corrib has many moods as is clearly apparent from the photographs below!
Coarse Fishing in Connemara
If you prefer coarse fishing, pike must be you number one quarry. In the vicinity of Oughterard a series of seven lakes have been specifically developed with the coarse angler in mind. While perch and roach are the two most abundant coarse fish here, pike abound. One particular advantage of pike fishing is that the season never closes - and after the spawning, April is the prime time to make the most of their voracious appetite.

Maps, brochures and information are available and tackle can be purchased or hired from Camillaun Lodge.
