Routines at Camolin NS


"Ar thóir ár ndícheall."



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1. . School begins at 9.00 a.m. It is important that the children develop the habit of being punctual but not too early for school

2. Children are not allowed to enter the school building prior to 8.55 a.m. except on wet days when they may go to allocated waiting areas inside.

3. There is a break at 10.50 a.m. Lunch break is from 12.35 p.m. to 1.00 p.m.

4. Junior and Senior Infant Classes are dismissed at 1.40 p.m. Adults collecting children from school should try to be at the front gate on dry days, and at the front hall on wet days, before dismissal time.The pupils in the other classes are dismissed at 2.40 p.m.

5. Pupils who bring bicycles to school are asked to alight at the gates of the school and walk the bikes to the rear of the school.

6. The Board of Management does not accept responsibility for the children’s property.

7. At 2.40 p.m., pupils are expected to leave the school grounds in an orderly fashion and to report home promptly.


General Notes


2. In the event of a pupil being absent through illness or for any other reason, parents/guardians are legally required to inform the class teacher on the pupil's return to school. (see Code of Behaviour, p1)

3. When it is necessary for a pupil to leave school early, a note must be sent to the class teacher. Parents/ guardians are asked to call personally to the classroom to collect the child. Any person collecting a child on behalf of the parent/guardian should present written authorisation with a telephone contact number.

5. Children should have their names on their coats and other personal property such as school books, copies, lunch boxes, etc.

6. As the need arises, parents will receive notices with regard to school matters and events. Encourage your child to deliver notes immediately or check each evening at homework time to see if there is a note from the school.

Junior Infants

It is the policy of Camolin NS that Junior Infants go home at lunchtime 12.30 for the first three weeks of school to allow them adjust to school life. In June before in fants start there will be an orientation meeting for new parents / guardians with the Infant Teacher and the Principal.

Nourishing Lunches

Most children do not pack their own school lunches and repeated surveys have shown that children's lunches are often very unhealthy and not adequate nutritionally because they tend to be low in fibre and high in sugar. Lunch should provide one third of your child's food requirements for the day. The most effective way to plan a healthy lunch is to include one food from each of the food groups - one piece of fruit, milk/yoghurt, two slices of bread and meat / poultry /cheese. Sweets, chocolate, or fizzy drinks could be given maybe once a week for a treat.

Chewing gum and glass bottles are not allowed in the school.

Dress Code

1. The school uniform is worn on all school days other than on days of PE lessons.

2. For Physical Education, runners are compulsory and it is recommended that the pupils wear the school tracksuit.

3. In the interests of safety pupils are only allowed to wear studs, all earrings, piercings and loose metallic jewellery is prohibited in school.

4. Sky blue t-shirts must be worn with school tracksuits.

School Books

1. School books are extremely expensive and for this reason the different book series in use in the school are changed as rarely as possible.

2. A limited amount of money is made available to the school for the purchase of books for children where circumstances merit this assistance being given. Please contact the Principal or Deputy–Principal if there is a problem with regard to the purchase of books.

3. Books purchased under the scheme should be returned at the end of each school year.

Other Books

The staff of Camolin NS are committed to the promotion of reading amongst their pupils and will, at regular intervals, publicise book events or book offers, that pupils are free to avail of.


1. Children who are ill should not be sent to school.

2. Parents are asked that teachers be made aware of any physical disability or allergies which their child might have.

3. Please check your child's hair regularly for outbreaks of Head Lice. If there is an outbreak of head lice in a class, all parents of pupils in the school are informed by note, and asked to take immediate action .

4. Requests to remain indoors at break times should only be made in exceptional circumstances (limbs in plaster, recovering from/awaiting surgery). These requests must be made in writing to the class teacher.

5. In the interests of safety and supervision, children are not encouraged to re-enter the school premises at break times. However they may do so, having first sought permission from the teacher on Yard Supervision.

6. In the interests of safety, parents' cars are not allowed into the school grounds.

7. At assembly and dismissal times, parents and other visitors to school are asked to avoid parking on or near the pedestrian crossing outside the school.

Accident Procedures

1. Accidents occur despite supervision. Minor accidents are treated at school. Cleaning with cold water and applying a plaster to the wound normally treat slight cuts and grazes. When a dressing has been put on a wound, parents are requested to inspect the wound when the child comes home from school.

2. In the event of an accident / child becoming ill, every possible effort will be made to contact the pupil's parents or the persons delegated to take responsibility for the pupil.

3. Please complete the form giving details of home / work phone numbers. The school should be notified immediately of changes of address etc.

4. Please ensure that alternative contact consent has been received and that they live locally.

6. There is a facility for parents to take out insurance to cover medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident at school. Details of this scheme are circulated to parents in September.

Home/School Communication

Frequent communication is of vital importance in developing and nurturing co-operation between home and school. Children often “forget” or relay messages incorrectly, so please, check your child’s bag / homework notebook each night for notes.

In our school, communication between parents and teachers may take one of the following forms:

1. Individual consultation: This occurs where a parent has asked for an interview with a teacher or has been invited to visit the school to exchange information or to discuss matters of concern. A note to the class teacher requesting such an appointment is always essential.An appointment can also be arranged through the school secretary who is present each day from 9-00am-12-00pm It is also necessary that the purpose of the visit be stated so that teachers may undertake whatever preparation is necessary with regard to information and records.

2. Appointment with Principal: Parents should contact Secretary at 053-9383455 if they wish to meet the Principal.

3. Parent / teacher meetings for pupils are generally held during the first term. (November/December).

4. Meetings are held in connection with preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.

6. A meeting is held in June of each year with parents of the new Junior Infant pupils.

In addition to the above forms of home/school links, the following means of communication are also utilised:

1. Notes in the pupil's homework notebook.

2. School reports are issued every summer

3. Details of school holidays or early school closures are always communicated in writing.

Complaints Procedure

It is in the interests of pupils, parents and teachers that good relations should exist between home and school. The teachers are willing to discuss any problems which may arise from time to time. With mutual respect and goodwill, most problems can be resolved readily.

Stage 1:

1. A parent who wishes to make a complaint should make an appointment to meet with the class teacher with a view to resolving the complaint.

2. If the matter is not resolved, the parent should make an appointment to meet with the principal.

3. If the complaint is still not resolved, parent should make an appointment to meet with the Chairperson of the Board of Management.

Stage 2:

1. If the complaint is still unresolved, it should be lodged in writing with the Chairperson of the BOM.

2. The Chairperson should bring the precise nature of the written complaint to the notice of the teacher and seek to resolve the matter within 5 days of the receipt of the written complaint.

Fund Raising

Families of children attending Camolin NS are encouraged to contribute €2 per week to the cost of running the school. Families will be kept informed of the overall running total and there is a draw for a prize, each term, for participating families.


Each child, to whom the Education Welfare Act (2000) applies (that is, those between the ages of 6 and 15) is obliged by law to attend school every day on which the school is in operation unless there is a reasonable excuse for not attending. The parents / guardians of children in this age group are obliged to send their children to school, the school authorities are obliged to notify the Educational Welfare Board when a child is absent regularly or if a reasonable excuse has not been provided for an absence by the child's parents and the Principal is compelled to record absences and reasons for it.

For these reasons a written explanation is required each time a child is absent. For full details click on Code of Behaviour.








Copyright © 2003 BOM Camolin NS. All rights reserved.
Thursday, 06 November 2003 08:28 PM