Interviewed by Sarah and Niamh 11/2/2000
We went to visit Mr.Patrick Keating for Folklore 2000 We asked him questions like what it was like when he was young. He was over six years old when he started school.The subjects he learned in school were English, Irish, Religion and Maths. He walked their three miles to get to school. Sometimes he stayed home from school to help around the house. Mr O'Neill was the principal in his school at the time and Mrs O'Neill and Miss Cash were the other two teachers. He played hurling in school at play time There was often a fight in school. His favourite subject in school was Maths. He didn’t go to secondary school. He had porridge in the morning for breakfast bacon and cabbage for dinner and eggs for tea. Nettles were good for your health. He did not have pizza or spaghetti back then. By Sarah and Niamh 11/2/00 |
We went to visit Mrs.
Keating for folklore 2000.We asked her what it was like when she was
She started school when she was five.The subjects she did in school were English, Irish, Religion, Maths, Cooking and Laundry. She got to school by ass. She travelled three miles to get to school. She had older brothers and sisters so she didn’t have to stay at home from school and help out around the house. She went to school in Portarlington. The principal in the school at the time was Sister Imelda. She had different teachers all the time (all of them were nuns). She mostly played skipping at school. Her favourite subject at school was Maths.She went to secondary school. The best part of school was she said was the end of it but she said it wasn’t that bad She had a happy and adventurous childhood. There were no headlines about drugs, murders or robberies. She used cod liver oil and things like that for medicine. Her jobs were to milk the cows and feed the calves. The food she mostly had was bread and butter, potatoes, bacon and cabbage Her family grew a lot of their own food. She didn’t have canned food, pizza, spices or spaghetti. |