February 2002 |
In this months feature we look at the minor team of 1990. This team which was a parish combination of Castlemartyr and Dungourney won the County Minor B Title. This is a special request that I received at Christmas from Colm Murphy (six from left back row) and I am happy to oblige. Sadly, I need a better quality photo than the one I have and I need someone to send me the names of everyone involved, including supportes, as I do not know them all. A report of this teams exploits will be available when we publish the Club History. Our sympathy goes to Colm and Ollie Murphy (also in photo) and all the Murphy family on the death of their Father, Dermot soon after Christmas. Dermot was an officer of the GAA club for many years and was a well liked and respected member of the community. It was my privelege to have been at his funeral to witness the great musical send off his family gave him at the church. He will be missed by his family and the area in general. One of my own earliest memories of going to GAA matches was in Demot's car. He had a Cortina with one long front seat, the same as the back seat and column shift gears(anyone under 35 ask your parents) which was ideal for transporting loads of young fellas to matches. This was a true people carrier long before car companies thought of MPV's. Dermot on the right driving, Joseph on the left discussing tactics, two or three lads in the front and maybe seven or eight in the back. Those were the days!