Castlemartyr GAA Golf Society Gold Coast 27/04/2002
Winners Carey Joyce John Morgan and Paul O Connell with Castlemartyr GAA Golf Society Captain Fergus Lynch (second from left)
This outing was sponsored by John and Connie Morgan of Barry's Bar and was a three-ball betterball competition. On one of the worst golfing days this year, we played the Gold Coast in Dungarvan and luckily all survived the game to tell the tale. While anyone with an ounce of sense watched Munster bravely win the rugby match in France, all that played this outing were equally as foolhardy and brave. We went to Barry's bar that night for the prizes where stories were shared on how wet each person got. One mans "waterproof shoes" actually left in the water and it gathered in the bottom of his shoe.
Honours went to the team anchored by John Morgan and the sponsor's card would do justice on any day. Playing with him was Carey Joyce, who seems to be a lucky charm in team events and Paul O Connell, who on the strength of his victory took his wife out for a meal on Saturday night.
Second place went to James Hayes's team, who at one stage were seen practising their acceptance speech but were slipped in the end.
Thanks to John and Connie for the sponsorship and hospitality, and to all that turned up on Saturday night for the prizes. It was nice for the "Golf Widows" to get out now and then and sympathise with each other. No thanks to the person that told them a round of golf only takes four hours and not six.
Well done to Captain Fergus Lynch, who handled the crowd expertly and must surely have a future in politics or showbusiness and to Paul O Connell for his eloquent and gracious acceptance speech.
Thanks to Michael Carroll and John Roche for organising the day. Special welcomes to the society to John and Jan Goodwin and to Jim Morrison who can hit the small ball as good as he can hit the sliothar.
Winners John Morgan, Carey Joyce, Paul O Connell
Second James Hayes, Marty O Keeffe, Jim Morrison
Third Jorge Esguera, Jim O Rourke, Maurice Cahill
Fourth Don Mc Auliffe, Charles O Neill, Paul Cosgrave
Others who played Seamus Lawton, Liz Williams, Fergus Lynch, Pat Walsh, Mary Lawton, Jan Goodwin, Moss Duggan, Martina O Halloran, Eileen Collins, John Goodwin, Ultan Murphy, John Cosgrave, Michael Carroll, Eamonn Roche.
Next outing Blarney 8th June
Second Marty O Keeffe, Jim Morrison (James Hayes absent) with Fergus Lynch (Capt) and John Morgan (Sponsor)
Third (The International team from Tipperary, Colombia and Kerry) Jim O Rourke, Jorge and Maurice Cahill with Fergus Lynch and John Morgan
Fourth Don Mc Aulife Paul Cosgrave and Charles O Neill with Fergus Lynch and John Morgan