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When we met Mary Walsh, we were all amazed at how she had she had such a good memory. We all thought her voice was very good, for the age of 81. We wouldn’t have thought that she could remember her songs so well. She told us about life when she was young. She had a lot of stories about the house dances, the farm, the school and the Black and Tans. We asked her many questions and she answered them in such detail. We hope to have a memory as good as hers at the age of 81. The way she remembered all the words of the songs and names was incredible and even at our young age, we wouldn’t be able to remember as much. Meeting her and listening to her stories told us how lucky we are to have technology and that we have an easier life. We appreciate her acceptance to co-operate and we thank her sincerely.

By Aideen O’Sullivan,

Jennifer Reid,

Lorraine O’Hanlon,

Chloe Purtill.
