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Boiled Fruit Cake



5 ounces of margarine

1 1/2 cup of fruit (eg. Currants)

1 cup of brown sugar.

1 cup of water.

2 cups of flour.

2 eggs.

2 teaspoonfuls of mixed spice

1 teaspoonful of bread soda.

Oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Put margarine, fruit, spices, soda and water in a saucepan.

Bring to the boil and simmer for five minutes.

Leave to cool.

Add to beaten eggs and flour.

Mix well.

Place in a 9" tin and put in the oven.

Reduce the heat to 350 degrees and bake for 65 minutes





8 ozs (225g ) butter

1 tin x 14ozs (400 g) condensed milk

1 lb (450 g) castor sugar

1 tablesp. Golden syrup

1 teasp. Vinegar

1 teasp. Pure vanilla essence


1 x 12 inches (30.5 cm) x 8 inches (20.5 cm) Swiss roll tin.


Brush the Swiss roll tin with some tasteless oil. Melt the butter with the castor sugar and syrup. Simmer gently for 5 minutes, add the condensed milk, bring to the boil again simmer gently for 20 minutes, stirring all the time until it turns a rich golden brown. Remove from the heat and beat in the vinegar and vanilla essence. Pour into the oiled tin and cut into 1 inch (2.5 cm) squares.







Preheat oven to 180c/350f Gas 4. Rub butter into the flour; mix in sugar, spice, ginger and salt, then the egg and enough milk to make a stiff dough. Roll out on a slightly floured surface and cut into gingerbread man shapes using special cutters or a sharp knife. Add currant eyes and bake on a greased tray for 15 minutes. When quite cool add extra features if you fancy with cream or icing.




Ingredients: 1+half oz. / 42g semolina,

1pt. / half litre milk,

1 oz. / 28g sugar.


Method: Heat milk almost to boiling point, sprinkle the semolina on to it, stir and cook gently for about 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the sugar.


Strawberry Shortcakes




1. 8 ozs of self-raising flour.

2. Half a teaspoon of salt.

3. 3 ozs of butter.

4. 1 oz of castor sugar.

5. 1 egg.

6. 4 tablespoon of milk.

For the filling:

A quarter pint of double cream.

1 rounded tablespoon of icing sugar, sieved.

8 ozs of strawberries hulled.


Step 1. Sift together flour and salt and rub in butter. Beat the egg with milk. Add sugar and mix to a soft, but not sticky, dough with egg and milk.

Step 2. Turn out to a lightly floured table, knead quickly until smooth, then roll out to half-inch thickness. Cut into 6 rounds with a 3 half-inch plain cutter. Place on a greased baking tray and brush tips with milk. Bake in a hot oven for 10-12 minutes.

Step 3. Cool on a wire tray but, whilst still warm, spilt each shortcake in half by pulling carefully apart and not cutting with a knife.

Step 4. To serve, slice strawberries keeping 6 whole for decoration. Whip the cream and sweeten with icing sugar. Sandwich shortcakes together with cream and sliced strawberries. Dust tops with icing sugar and decorate serving plate with whole strawberries.


Winter Wonder


Ingredients: Hot Chocolate Mix, flake, marshmallows, cream, chocolate sprinklers.


How to make: Put two spoons of the chocolate mix in a large mug, pour hot milk into the mug up to about 3/4 full then put the cream on top along with the marshmallows and there you go! You have a Winter Wonder so enjoy.









Fudge will keep for a week in a tin, possibly even longer, but it has never been around that long!