Femto-second laser point targeting to induce osteablast contraction.


Point targeting using a Spectra-Physics Mai Tai femto-second pulsed laser (800nm) induces a calcium response followed by a cell contraction in an osteoblast cell line. Fluorescence over transmission images captured with an Olympus FV 300 confocal microscope.


Cranfield C., Bomzon Z., Day D., Gu M., and Cartmell S. (2006). Mechanical Strains Induced in Osteoblasts by use of Point Femtosecond Laser Targeting.  Int J. Biomed. Imag. Volume 2006, Article ID 21304, Pages 1-6,

Strain mapping in osteoblast cells contracting


Same field of view as above only overlaid with arrows representing relative strain strength and direction. Stain mapping made possible by Dr Ze’ev Bomon of the Centre for Micro-Photonics (Swinburne University of Technology).

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