The Holstein is the most famous
cow in the world, a cow that you can see in almost every country : the Holstein is
"the black-and-white spotted cow".
Then, it is obvious to say that it's spotting
makes identification easy, although Hosltein cows can also be completly white or blake
(spots then cover its body entirely). Some red-spotted Holsteins are sometimes to be seen
in some herds. Its other specificities are its broad face and wide muzzle, long legs and dairy shape, and, last but not least ... its huge udders : the Holstein is famous for its spots, and widespread for its milking performances, which have made this cow the world's champion in this category. |
This cow is raised only for its dairy
production, during six years in most modern dairy farms : the cow's tremendous milk yields
cannot be maintain over a six-year working life, during which it receives a lot of
veterinary care.
The Holstein average weight is around 1.500 pounds, and it is always of a clean-cut
appearance, as if it was freshly shaved !