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American Beauty (18)
Running Time:
122 mins

ambeauty.jpg (13768 bytes)American Beauty is one fo those movies that can just grab you and pull you into it. Its plot, its characters, its direction, all adding up to equal a movie most definitely worthy of Oscar glory.

When I was asked to describe what the plot was about, I paused for a second and released how simple yet how completely complex it is. It's these contradictions scattered throughout the movie that make it flourish. Never have I watched a film that made me feel so warm and joyful, yet at the same time depress and feel sorrowful. It seems so familiar to me, yet its content is relativly unknown. Its these things that give American Beauty creedence
for why everyone likes it so.

What can be said about a movie with so much praise said for it?

ab01_tn.jpg (14594 bytes)Firstly, you need only look at the cast. Kevin Spacey plays the part of Lester to absolute perfection. Can Spacey do no wrong? Lester leads a
normal, everyday American life of a forty-two year old. He is bored of his job, his daughter Jane, won't talk to him and his wife (Annette Benning) is constantly making decisions for him. However, when he reluctantly goes to a game that Jane is cheerleading for, he meets Angela (American Pie's Mena Suvari). He daydreams of her and the effect she has on him is overwhelming.
Lester changes his life because just for the miniscule chance that she might
be interested. The young cast are absolutley superb. Wes Bently and Tora
Birch will most certainly be stamped with the "Next Best Thing" approval.

The one thing I was suprised about American Beauty was its comedic element.
When you're not tangled in the emotional aspect of the movie, you will wear
a huge grin at the antics of the cast. The sight of Spacey masterbating in
the shower with the hugely funny narraration about how "this will be the
hogh point of my day. Everything else goes down-hill from here" will most
definitely have you in stitches.

American Beauty is quite simply a classic. A poignant tale that will keep
you gripped in malaise long after the end credits.

*****/***** (for those finding it hard to see its a five star review!)

Paddy Dunne

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