Mrs. Patricia Dalton 3rd Dan

Mrs. Dalton is the chief instructor of the Cork Institute of Technology TKD club, which is the country's most successful college / university club. She was female competitor of the year for 1997 and 1998. Her wins include the West African Cup, the NordRhein Westfalen (Germany), the British Championships, Ireland vs. Wales and the Battle of the Champions. She was a cover story on Tae Kwon-Do and Korean Combat Arts. Mrs. Dalton is also assistant instructor for the South West TKD centre in Tralee.


Mr. Don Dalton 5th Dan

Mr. Dalton is the driving force and inspiration behind the I.U.T.F.. A former Irish international and team captain he has won numerous national and international competitions both in sparring and in patterns .This includes gold medal wins in such competitions as the British Championships, the West African open, the Best of the Best Grand Championships, the National Irish Universities and Colleges Boxing Championships etc..

Over the last 6 years he has proved to be the most successful coach with massive achievements internationally for his students and also for the Irish team which he coaches. One of the greatest fascets of his leadership is his all-round knowledge and ability in Tae Kwon-Do . A fact which was borne out in his 5th black belt grading in 1998 in Germany where he was awarded the highest marks in the entire grading. Mr. Dalton has been featured on numerous TV programs and in the International Martial Arts magazine. He is a cover story in Irish Fighter Magazine.


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