A Viking came to my class today, we had great fun. He told us where
Vikings came from. They came from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. We thought
it was great the way he dressed up as Ragnore the Viking and told us
how he lived. He brought in some weapons and animal skins. There were
sheepskin, goatskin, deerskin and horse skin. All of them were very soft.
He also had some animal’s teeth and bones. He showed us their spoons,
knives and cups. The types of cups were a jug and a cow’s horn. One
of the cow’s horns had a design on it. He showed us some shoes and
how they made them. He showed us how they dressed, but in all of
the clothes there were no pockets .They carried a little pouch
around with them. Their money was also different to ours. He came at
half-past eleven and he went home when school was over. It was a great day.
The End. Gillian |