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Some inscriptions in the Abbey Churchyard above the village green

Here lies the body of Richard Warburton of (illegible) of ye county of Kildare
who departed this life 30th November 1765, aged 80 years.


Memory of Miss Elizabeth Francis Digby
of Landenstown, Co. Kildare
who departed this life 25th June 1890 at an advanced age.
Dearly beloved by her relatives and friends.
This monument ordered by her grandnieces
Lady Henrietta Eliza Guiness(Guinness?)
and Lady Geraldine Digby St. Laurence


Sacred to the memory of Vincent Stammer,
third son of Commander Edward Turner, RN
and Eliza, his wife, who departed this life
9th January 1858, aged 22 years.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. From henceforth etc.


Alicia Lennon, born November 1799.
Died November 17th 1866.


William Arthur Carefield, age 4 years.
Died 5th March 1857
(and beside him)
Mary Smitit, on April
25th 1857, aged 64 years.
(Two effigies within railings)


To the memory of Emelia Cumming, Dowager Lady Fitzgerald, died at Killybegs

16th December 1881 aged 96 years.

Her end was peace looking for that blessed hope.


Here lieth the body of Edward Cowner of Clane, Son of John, aged 22.
His ...was run. March 20th 1820.


Mary Kenny,
died April 25th 1820.


Erected by Osborne Oaks, to the memory of Brother Edward 3 (...) 1757 aged 18.
Also Bro. Richard 24 years; Sister Elizabeth 21 years.
24th April. Year as above.


 Andrew Knox
Bodenstown, October 20th 1837.


Erected by Redmond Connell in memory of his son Matthew
died April 2nd 1771. Aged 18 years R.I.P.


Erected by Robert Hermon
in memory of his faithful servant and soldier,
John Hitchcock,
born in Workfield NR Bridge, NRT, Shropshire, England:
died 1743. Aged 84 years.


Miss Georgina Glennon
died 1894, sister Elizabeth, 1885,
Brother William C.G. 1865 and John 1905,
Moatfield, Clane.


This tomb marks the burial ground of David Edges of Moatfield who departed this life
15th April 1821 aged 66 years.
Alexander Hill of Daars who died 17th March 1876 aged 77;
also his wife Maryanne Hill who died 24th March 1855 aged 80 years;
also John Hill, son of above who died 8th June 1908 aged 73 years.


Sacred to the memory of Richard Wilson of Prosperous who died 9th June 1876 aged 84
and his wife Elizabeth Wilson, nee Power who died 13th  July 1878 aged 81 years.
Looking unto Jesus.
Stone erected by his nephew Richard Wilson ... in affectionate remembrance.


 Here lieth the body of John Digby of Ladenstown
who departed this life July 17th 1786 aged 95.
Rev. John Digby of Landenstown who died 4th July 1838,
John William Digby of Lanednstown who died 27th August 1846
Miss Henrietta Barfoot of Middlington House,
Hants who died 15th February 1875


Erected by Srgt. William Carrol, R.I.C.
for his wife Annie dep. 13th July 1904, aged 32 years.


Erected in memory of William Eldor who died 28th June 1880, aged 50 years;
also his beloved wife Elizabeth who died 20th February 1886 aged 66 years.


Erected by George l(?)armon
by Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters,
also the above George and
wife Catherine and son Christopher.


...Fred, Elizabeth Hanley for daughter Judith died 1784 aged 26 years.


Erected by Elene F.. nsby

Father John died 1829 aged 64

Mother Jane died 1847 aged 72

Brother William died 1842 aged 40

Sister Maria died 1825 aged 20

Jane Barry died 1842 aged 30

and Eliza who died young.


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