In 1980, Prosperous celebrated its 200th anniversary, having been
founded in 1780 around the cotton milling establishment of Robert Brook. In
1985, a whole series of canal towns, including Sallins and Robertstown,
celebrated their 200th anniversaries. Clane, by contrast, is a town of great antiquity. Leaving its pre-Christian and Monastic periods aside, did you know that Clane had corporate town status under the Normans? From the Rolls, we find that "on 14th March 1391, the King granted the Provost, Bailiffs and Commonality of the town of Clane, that for seven years they make take custom of goods coming to the town to build anew a certain bridge over the waters of the Analiffey." A Provost and Commons was the equivalent of a Mayor and Corporation.
Reproduced from "Le Chéile" by kind
permission |