Guidelines for Authors


Articles can be a history of a local castle, church, estate or family over a period; the study of a movement or event at local level or the career of a local person with local or national importance.  The article should preferably have a local dimension, eg local area can be a street, estate, parish or adjoining areas.  The interpretation of the guidelines will very much depend on the subject matter chosen.    


Articles should generally be no less than 1,000 words and no more than 3,500 words in length.  Supporting pictures and maps would be appreciated.


Sources and References:

Articles should include a reference to key sources consulted.  The source of extracts from published material in print or otherwise should be acknowledge.


The Kilmacud Stillorgan Local History Society committee shall decide whether or not to publish an article.  The committee reserves the right to edit and correct errors identified in articles received. 


For further information please contact the committee.