The Dragon of Mixnitz

This story also comes from Austria

Once upon a time there lived a big dragon in a little village called Mixnitz. It is situated in Styria, Austria, not far away from Graz.

The dragon had big wings, long sharp claws and scales like a fish. It lived in a cave in the wood. Everybody in the area was afraid of this monster because it made a lot of damage when the dragon was looking for it's prey.

It's favourite food was a young girl and it killed one every week. Once, one of the farmers was fed up with this monster and promised a high reward for killing the dragon. Many young men wanted to get the reward. But when the guys got near the dragon they got into a panic and ran away.

Soon nobody wanted to risk his life anymore. But one young man lived with the farmer. Although he knew that he wasn't able to beat the dragon he couldn't get the story out of his mind. Every night he watched the dragon coming out of its cave, going down the mountain to the river for drinking water. The dragon always slipped down a groove to the valley.

Now the young man had an idea. When the dragon left its cave for hunting the guy went up the groove and put scythes and sickles into the ground. Next day the dragon slipped down the groove as it was used to. But his body was badly cut by the scythes and sickles. The monster cried and screamed. It hit its tail and pulled out a lot of trees.

In it's pain, it pulled big rocks out of the wood with its claws. In the meantime, the young man got so afraid of the monster and hid behind some bushes. After many hours the dragon stopped fighting against its death. It died in the groove.

A few days later the people of Mixnitz went up to the dragon's cave to look if the monster was really dead. When they got to know of its death all the people celebrated and praised the young man. The young hero married the farmer's daughter and became a respected man in the whole area.

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