British Army

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 7th Armoured Division  Divisional Commander  Dean Beecham

 51st Highland Division   Divisional Commander Chris Garbo


7th Armoured Division.                                      51st Highland Division

It was in existence as a regular                      In September 1939 it was a first

division in Egypt and was designated               line TA division and was captured

as the Armoured Division (Egypt) having        in France on the 12th June 1940

previously been named the Mobile Division.      {less 154 Brigades)

On 16th Feb 1940 it was redesignated as 7th Armoured         Reconstituted from 9th (Highland) Infantry

Division and served in Egypt, Libya, North Africa, Italy,      division on 7th August 1940.  Fought in,

the UK, and NW Europe.                                               North Africa, Sicily, and NW Europe.