Gaeilge Course Coordinator: Ms A. Greene. Ms Ni Dhufaigh Ms Greene Ms Murphy (New Material for 6th Yr Students - Dec 2011.)
Suímh Idirlín Áiseanna do scoláirí
agus múinteoirí (leabhair
as Gaeilge)
(cabhair do scoláirí & múinteoirí) www.litriocht.com
www.drama-gaeilge.com (leabhair
as Gaeilge)
(comhlachas náisiúnta drámaíochta) www.fiosfeasa.com
www.clubsult.com (CD-ROMs
as Gaeilge)
(club gaeilge Bhaile Átha Cliath) www.foinse
www.oideas-gael.com (nuachtán)
(cúrsaí Gaeilge) (nuachtán)
(iris liteartha) (iris
(spellchecker Gaeilge) www.forasnagaeilge.ie
www.daltai.com (eagrú
(comhrá & eolas do dhaltaí) www.glornangael.ie
www.coimisineir.ie (eagrú
www.udaras.ie www.behindthename.com
www.concos.ie (ainmneacha)
www.scoilnet.ie (sloinnte)
www.irishgaelictranslator.com www.rte.ie/rnag
(aistriúchán as gaeilge) (raidió
na gaeltachta) (teilifís
na Gaeilge) (Ros
na Rún) (comhlachas
náisiúnta drámaíochta) Coláistí Samhraidh Going
to the Gaeltacht is a wonderful opportunity for students to practice their
spoken Irish. Both Leaving and
Junior Certificate students must sit an aural exam and Leaving Cert students
also have an oral exam. Three
weeks at the Gaeltacht allows students to immerse themselves in the spoken
language and to put into practice all that they have learned throughout the
school year. With changes to the
percentage of marks awarded for the oral exam to be introduced in the future
it is more important than ever for students to avail of any opportunity that
they have to speak Irish. The
Irish teachers at Confey College advise students from first to sixth year to
go to the Gaeltacht as often as possible and information on some summer
courses are available from them. Alternatively
go to the Concos web site for information on many more summer courses.
Concos is a federation of 42 Irish Summer Colleges that have been
approved by the Department of Education and Science. A
typical day at the Gaeltacht: -
Breakfast -
Formal classes in the
morning -
Lunch -
Sport & activities
in the afternoon -
Dinner -
Céilí -
Supper While
the activities on offer and rules etc might vary from one college to another
the emphasis is on the spoken language. |