Are we alone in the universe ???
For hundreds of years people have been asking this question. Although much
evidence seems to prove we are not alone, there are many sceptics.
Types of Aliens
Many different types of aliens have been sighted, this is a short
note on the different types. They can be categorized in to roughly 5 groups.
The first is the humanoid group.
Aliens which fall into this category have a human shape. Some sightings
have even reported aliens that looked exactly like humans.
The second group is the animalian group.
This group refers to entities which appear to be animal like. Sightings
include that of large "bigfoot" like creatures.
The third group is the robotic group.
Aliens in this group are said to have a metallic appearance. Some very unusual
variations have been reported.
The fourth group is the amphibian group.
Aliens in this category resemble amphibians found on earth. They often have
eyes on stalks.
The fifth and final group is the exotic group.
This is a catch-all group as it refers to any alien that can not be
categorised in to one of the above categories. Aliens in this category include
blob shaped aliens, that is, aliens with no apparent solid form.
About 95% of all aliens sighted fall in to groups 1-4. The remaining 5% are
classed as exotic. The groups can be further sub-divided.
The humanoid group can be divided in to "human", identical to us and "greys"
the most commonly sighted alien, short, grey, with large black, oval eyes and
grey skin.
The animalian group is very diverse, with all sorts of subdivides, because
there are many different aliens which fit into this category.
The robotic group is divided simply in two, "fleshy robots" and "metallic
robots". If the robots appear to be entirely of metal, they are classed as
metallic robots, whereas if they appear to be not entirely composed of metal
they are called fleshy robots.
The exotic group is divided in to "physical" and "apparitional". If the alien
appears to be solid it is classed as physical. If it is at least partially
transparent it is classed as apparitional.
Believer or sceptic, the alien world is as diverse as our own. Whether it's
true or not, it's up to you to decide.
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