Recently we made a bird table and
feeding bottles in Court NS. JL brought in two stakes and D.K brought
in a sledge hammer. The stakes were stuck into the ground outside our
window around the back. String was attached from one to the other. Then
he atached our home made feeders (plastic bottles) to the string and
put some food in the bottles. Teacher stuck a dryel box top on a tray
and two coffee lids (blue and red). He stuck them on with mastic glue.
CS brought in a book about birds it was very interesting.
It took two days for the birds to realise that the feeders and the tray were there. No bird’s fed on the
lower feeder for a couple of days because it was to near the grass.
The first bird was
a blue tit, which fed from the feeders the second bird was a
green finch or possibly a chaffinch which fed from the tray. |
The bird tray and the feeders are
a big success. We hope to build a few more in our wild flower garden
later this year.
By the end of the first week our
regular visitors included blue-tits, great-tits, house sparrows and a
hen and cock chaffinch.
Written by R.W, LO’L,
S.O and C.K.