Colfer in Court

Introduction read by Adrian Dunbar from the CD version of "Artemis Fowl."

Eoin Colfer's Visit

We were delighted and honoured recently when best selling children's author, Eoin Colfer, visited Court NS on Thursday 11th January 2001. It was Eoin's first school visit since he had retired from teaching to devote himself fulltime to his writing career.

During the session he read from "Ed's Funny Feet" (a brilliant book that he says is based directly on himself growing up, it is suitable for younger children and in fact many of Mr. Turner's 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class had already read it) and then we had a question time when we were able to ask him anything we liked.

He then read from "Benny and Babe." Eoin says this book is based on his holidays as a child in Fethard-on-Sea and Slade. There are a few copies of this book in Mrs. Parnell's class library and again many of us had read it.

Eoin advised us to always have a "book on the go" and if any of us were interested in writing that we should start now and practice, practice and then practice some more. He told us that he used to come home from school and then write in the evening but now that he doesn't have to go to school each day he has to discipline himself to sit down every morning and write. He tries to write one thousand words each day which is about 5 or 6 pages of a book. He told us that for many years he wrote in copybooks and many of his first books are in his house in copies today. However that meant that when he was finished writing the book he had to get somebody to type out the book before sending it to the publisher and this often took ages. Nowadays all his work is done on PC.

To finish off he read us the first chapter of his new book "The Wish List" which was published just before Christmas. We had a great laugh with Eoin who was very funny when he read from his books and told us about himself as a child.

We were delighted to hear that he is writing a book "Artemis Fowl" and this is due to be published by Puffin Books in May and he said that if he is lucky it will also be made into a film. Unfortunately we might have to wait two years or more to see it.

A great afternoon!!


All of the books featured below are published by O'Brien Press and are available in all good bookshops.



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