The Junior and
Senior Infants of Court NS have been selected by IBM and the National
Centre for Technology in Education to take part in the Kidsmart Early
Learning Programme. Accordingly their classroom has been kitted out
with a Little Tikes Explorer unit, an IBM computer and monitor, a
separate IBM mini-mouse and a Hewlett Packard colour printer plus
educational software, donated free of cost to the children.

As part of their
commitment to revolutionise education through technology, IBM joined
with children's toy maker "Little Tikes" to develop the "Young
Explorer" - a specially designed unit to fit into the early learning
environment, allowing two children to work together on high quality
educational software from Edmark. Each donation consists of a Young
Explorer playstation and bench, an IBM multi-media computer, Edmark
educational software and a colour printer. IBM has also developed a
KidSmart web site ( to promote
sharing of effective practices amongst teachers and engage parents in
their children's learning,
The KidSmart web
site is a guide to early learning and technology that features a
section just for parents, consisting of three parts: how to use a
computer to encourage early learning in your home, how to make the
computer a part of your household routine, and how to make sure the
computer serves your child. These areas offer solid advice and
activities. The site also offers classroom support for teachers and
recognising the diversity of nationalities in Ireland. The web site is
also available in French, German, Spanish, Italian and Brazilian

Principal Majella Murphy and parents of the children in the Infants
classroom were delighted with their new acquisition and as
class members
the unit for the first time Majella said that “The IBM learning centre
is so child friendly child-friendly it provides a powerful learning
tool which is accessible, sturdy and easy to use. It strongly appeals
to pupils and has proven to be highly motivational. We are delighted
to have been awarded the unit and commend IBM on their foresight in
including smaller schools, so often the poor relation of all
educational decision-making, in their wonderful scheme. This will
compliment the excellent IT facilities already available the school,
facilities largely provided for by the generosity of our parents and
teachers! "