I started in St. Johns in
1990; the first teacher I had was Mrs. Murphy who I had for three
years in Baby Infants, Junior Infants, in Senior Infants, and finally
in First Class. On my first school tour I went to the, now defunct,
Fun House in Wexford town. It was absolutely brilliant and was
designed especially for young children. It was so good that we went
there each year for the three years. There were seven people in my
I'd say they were the best years in Monamolin.
However last year when I was leaving, I was one of the oldest in the
school, and I was given lots of responsibility. I especially liked the
first year because we didn't get a lot of homework, but that changed
as I progressed through the school
From Second Class, Third Class, Fourth Class and
Sixth Class I had Mrs. Parnell and for Fifth Class I had Mrs. Kenny.
From Third up to Sixth Class I played a lot of
sports. Camógie and football were my favourite. The school took part
in a lot of competitions in Hurling and Camógie and I enjoyed these
because they were a lot of fun to take part in. We took part in
Blitzes and Mini-Sevens on our own but when we played in the Rackard
League we joined with St. Joseph's NS, Kilmuckridge as a parish team.
This was great too as most of us play Camógie with Buffers Alley as
well. In Sixth Class we won the Rackard League County Shield Final.
On our last school tour we went to Clara Lara in
County Wicklow. Clara Lara is a water based activity park and it was
really mad, even though the day, in June, was freezing. There was a
big water slide and you went down it on a plastic board. There were
two pools, one had boats which you could take out and the other had a
frame with rope swings on it and you could try to swing from one side
to the other and attempt to remain dry!! When I was in my rough
clothes I swung across and ended in the water a few times. However
just before we went home I tried to cross it again, this time in my
good clothes, and landed straight in the middle of the water. I was
drenched. One of the teachers got a picture of this and it is still on
display in school!!
For the last week of school all the people in sixth
were pretty much let off homework, but we still had to prepare for our
Summer Tests. We had a School Sports Day the last week of school where
everyone took part in the three-legged race, running races and the egg
and spoon race. We played the Final of the 4th, 5th
& 6th Camógie \ Hurling Tournament and the team I was on
I finished school last year after nine years but on
the last day of school no one was really upset because we all knew
that we would see each other either because we were going to the same
school or because we would see each other at matches.