Barn swallows are the most abundant species of
birds known as swallows, which have come to symbolize good luck and
the coming of spring. Barn swallows use mud to construct open nests
often in or on buildings, bridges, jetties and other structures.
the male and female share the task of more than 1,000 mouthfuls of mud
to the nest, then the female finishes the job by lining the inside of
the new home with feathers and grass. Females lay from 3 to 9 eggs,
which are white with brown spots. They are almost wholly insectivorous
and include many flies, mosquitoes, gnats, and agricultural pests in
their diet. Only 5 species breed in Europe.
During the Easter holidays swallows had built a nest outside
our door.

They thought that it was quiet, but when we came
back they got a shock. There are four baby chicks now and we hope they
will fly in a few days time.
a few weeks time they will have go back to Africa before it gets too
cold here. The mother and father might leave them if they are not
prepared for such a long journey.