The Old School
I first went to school in 1966 in what
is now known as the "old school." Having lived a short walk away and
practised walking to school on the inside of the ditch with my two
brothers for six months prior to my offical start date, I eagerly
looked foward to my new adventure.
The old school was a formidable
building surrounded by stone walls and containing two playgrounds. One
yard was mixed and the other one was for the girls only. This
generated an aura and mystique about girls, which I might add I have
retained to this day.The classrooms, of which there were three, were
big and cold with high ceilings and the heat came from a solid fuel
stove. At lunch time Master Kavanagh served his speciality, big enamel
mugs of steaming hot cocoa.
Games consisted of football, hurling
and running the gauntlet of climbing out along the wooden beam in the
shelter. The bigger boys even went so far as to go over to the bog
nearby and believe me, that was living dangerously. Justice in those
days consisted of a sharp cut of a bamboo cane across your rear end
which helped to get rid of the cold.
The teachers in those days were Master
Kavanagh, Mrs McDonald and Mrs Doyle who dispensed knowledge in large
amounts. This knowledge wasn't always retained but it was fun in
trying. The desks were solid wood with two seated at each.
On my first day I sat with my brother
for the first five minutes but then I took up position beside Liam
Owens in Junior Infants. I spent three years in the old school
learning the alphabet, tables and singing....... somethings never
In 1968 the old school closed when the
new one was opened by Bishop Herlihy and an era had
more cocoa .......memorable times!!