"Lord thou has given me a cell wherin to dwell, a little house whose humble roof is weatherproof; under the spars of which I lie both soft, and dry." |
Herrick |
Main Contractor |
Crawley & Sons carry out all types of roofing and also a full range of building refurbishment works. This broad range of skills enables us to take on the responsibilities of the main contract. Such projects, ranging from a few thousand pounds to half a million pounds currently account for a large number of our jobs. (See 'Recent Contracts') Projects range from complete new roofs to minor repairs. E-mail Us with your requirements now. |
Sub-contractor |
Crawley & Sons will accept subcontracts, handling the roofing and any other aspects of the refurbishment of your own or your client's property. E-mail Us with your requirements now. |
Small Works Department |
Crawley & Sons Small Works department is designed to provide a rapid response and a highly competitive service for all roof repairs and maintenance works. Projects we have carried out on this basis range from one hundred pounds upwards. E-mail Us with your requirements now. |
Approved Contractors |
Crawley & Sons are approved contractors for many local Councils, local businesses, firms of architects and surveyors, as well as Irelands's top roofing material manufacturers. See Recent Contracts carried out. - The roof is vital to the interior and the exterior of your property.
- It must withstand the extremes of temperature between winter and summer, drenching by rain, ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric pollution.
- As soon as it ceases to resist these effects the enterprise within the building is damaged or stopped.
- It can say much for the designer's aesthetic and technical skills, yet it is rarely an element of major consequence in the overall compilation of costs.
- Head Office Woodville, Dunboyne, County Meath
- Telephone : (01) 825 1098
- Workshop & Stores : The Mews, 51 Aughrim St, Dublin 7
- Fax : (01) 825 1259
- E-Mail:crawleyandsons@eircom.net