Order: Passeriformes Family: Fringillidae Genus & Species: Fringilla coelebs
Found in Western Europe, central Russia and the Middle East. The chaffinch is a year round resident in Britain and Ireland. Breeding birds in Northen Europe and Russia migrate southwestwards for the winter.
Habitat Although open woodland is their natural breeding ground, the chaffinch has adapted to wooded farmland and gardens. Outside the breeding season, chaffinches keep mainly to hornbeam or beech woodland. Flocks of winter visitors can often be seen foraging in farmland. |
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Behaviour |
What they eat
The chaffinch feeds mainly on seeds. They strip the husk by pressing
the seed against the upper mandible with its tongue. During the breeding season,
they focus more on invertebrates,sometimes gathering them by pecking them from the ground,
but they may make short flights to pursue a flying insect. In autumn, they take
grain from stubble fields and seeds of hedgerow flowers.
Breeding In February, resident males restake their territories by singing loudly. Younger males look out for vacant sites. All males have a basic song but each may have variations. Geographically isolated birds have distinct regional dialects. Regardless of variation, the female can recognize the song of an unpaired male. She enters his territory giving a call to which he will respond by displaying his white wing bars and red flanks. |
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After about six weeks with the male, she builds an intricate nest of lichen, moss, grass, thin roots and down, all held together by spiders webs. This takes about a week to build. She then lays a clutch of four to five eggs, one at daily intervals. She starts to incubate them when the last one has been laid. Incubation takes about 13 days. The young are tended by both parents. They fledge in about 14 days but the parents continue to look after them for a further three weeks. |