The Forum has developed a series of position papers on key environmental issues, and is in the process of setting of achievable targets for environmental improvement in Cork. Local Agenda 21 ( an agenda for the 21st Century) was an important agreement reached at the United Nations Global Conference on environment and development in Rio de Janeiro in1992. This milestone agreement acknowledged that environmental care is most effective at a local level and that individuals and communities must be supported in caring for the environment. It recognised that all sectors share responsibility for the environment and opportunities must be developed for them to work in co-operation and agreement and that this can be achieved by partnership of all stake holders, sharing ideas, information and resources, consultation and joint action. The principles of Local Agenda 21 are recognised by the Irish Government in environmental policy making. Sustainable Development aims to achieve a good quality of life in a good quality environment. Resource use and waste management are balanced to retain the potential of the environment to sustain future generations and their needs. JAQUELINE HODGSON is the development officer for Cork Environmental Forum. Contact her at
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