A page to be read with furrowed brow.
This page is for the many wonderfull sites I come across on the net for both educational and entertainment purposes. It will be a small section. Here are but a few to start with.

Multiple Sclerosis Society Ireland - Give Generously. Give Now. Be Aware.

Torc Interactive - Games Company I is Director of.

My Old Mini Studio2 - My OLD min. I have new one now which will be going up soon as I get a picture of it to scan in.

The Captain Beefheart Radar Station- Captain Beefheart fan site with serious style. Check out the radio show in Real Audio, its the puppy!

Loonygames - a site devoted to game development, tutorials, interviews and .plans are all here.

Spumco - Flash animation from the maker of Ren and Stimpy.

IGN.IE - site devoted to Irish gaming; Irish Games Network.

Gamasutra - Game Developer Magazine's on-line presence.

Polycount - A splendid rescource for 3d modellers.

Boards.ie - An innovative community idea for Ireland.

The Onion - One of the funniest satire sites I've come across.

Church of the Subgenius - If you don't know Bob dosen't want you.

Phantom FM - Local Dublin Alternative Radio on the net. How super! And it is too.

Msc Computing and Design Class List 2000 - As it says.

site and graphics copyright Mark "FreaK_BrutheR" Cullen 1999 - eMail : cullenm@eircom.net