+ Heavy | - Light

BECMG-Becoming | BL-Blowing | BLO-Below clouds | BR-Mist

CAT- Clear Air Turbulence | COT-At the coast | CUF- Cumuliform

DECR- Decrease | DP- Due point temp. | DR- Low drifting | DTRT-Deteriorate | DZ- Drizzle

FCST- Forcast | FG-Fog | FLUC- Fluctuating | FT- Feet | FU- Smoke | FZ- Freezing

GEN- Generally | GR- Hail | GS- Small hail or snow pellets


ICE- Icing | IMPR- improving | IMT- Immediatly | INC- In Cloud | INCR- Increase | INTSF- Intensifying | IR-Iced RWY

LAN- Inland | LGT- Light | LOC- Locally | LSQ- Linke Squall | LV- light and variable | LYR- Layered

MI- Shallow | MNM-Minimum | MOD- Moderate | MS- Minus | MT- Mountain | MTW- Mountain Waves

NC- No Change | NSC- Nil Significant cloud | NSW- Nil significant weather | NOSIG-Nil significant change expected

OBSC- Obscured

PE- Ice Pellets | PROV- Provisional | PS- Plus

RA- Rain | RAG- Ragged | RE- Recent

SEV- Severe | SFC- Surface | SG- Snow grains | SH- Showers | SN- Snow | SQ- Squall | STNR- Stationary (stopped)

TCU- Towering Cumulus | TS- Thunderstorm | TURB- Turbulence

UA- Air Report or PIREP

V- Varying or Veering | VAL- In valleys | VC- Vicinity of the aerordrome | VCY- Vicinity | VER- Vertical | VIS- Vis.

WDSPR- Widespread | WKN- Weakening | WRNG- Warning | WS- WindShear | WX- Radar

CI- Cirrus

AC- Altocumulus

SC- Stratocumulus


CC- Cirrocumulus

AS- Altostratus

ST- Stratus

LYR- Layered

CS- cirrostratus

NS- Nimbostratus

CU- Cimulus

CAVOK- Vis 10KM or more / No cloud below 5000ft AGL or below highest minimum sector, no CB's in area.

SKC- Sky Clear (0)

BKN- Broken (5-7)

FEW- Few (1-2)

OVC- Overcast (8)

SCT - Scattered (3-4)

*Numerals are in OCTAS

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