6 Months into wearing... and enjoying every moment (well, most!).
Here are some recent Photos of life with my Toplace systems
Part 1 - Recently received system. SFS front and PSB base. Blonde highlights. A colour matching problem exists but is diminished somewhat by the blonde highlights, which lighten the overall look of the system. Additional blending was carried out after this system settled in.
Part 2 - Same system after 4 days of hard wear - camping, hot weather and lots of fun, excercise and sweat
In this photo, you can see how light temples are
sometimes revealed after lots of use:
Problem is solved by checking it in the mirror and
ensuring the hair covers the thinning area:
Part 3 - On holiday in hot New York, meeting some old friends and enjoying my time there. System is a stock piece, #64 base and poly strip around the back and sides. Work was carried out to modify the hairline shape and cut the base overall to correct fit. System is now regularly used despite a colour matching problem.
Getting ready to test the system out on the stage:
With some actresses from the show:
Niece's 2nd birthday:
In NY, roasting with the heat:
NOTE: These photos are posted voluntarily to help give a few ideas of how a system can be used. I will provide advice and help to anyone who wants it, but bear in mind I'm only a beginner myself and have a lot to learn yet. Please keep these photos for your own use and don't post them all over the net. I will continue to post full face photos as long as people use them respectfully and just to help learn about systems. You can usually find me on the Toplace forums. Peace :)