Books for Devotees.

From Gita Nagari Press.

GN Press offers a wide variety of books for all devotees.

Some books are in the form of personal conversations (eg, ‘Radio Shows’, ‘Photo Preaching’ etc) some are novels (eg, ‘Stories of Devotion’ and the Nimai Series). There are books like ‘Niti-sastra’ (Prabhupada’s use of Canakya Pandit and Hitopadesa). ‘Qualities of Sri Krsna’and ‘Readings in Vedic Literature’ are reader-friendly study books summarizing and enhancing the world of books of Srila Prabhupada in a complementary way. There are books in poetry, prose and many other genres

If you are looking for a friend who you can talk to daily, these books by Satsvarupa das Goswami will always comfort you.

For more information or to order books, phone Daruka das on (0508)73229 or e-mail him at