Welcome to Bhakti-vrksa Ireland! The purpose of this site is to spread the concept of Bhakti-vrksa further than is possible with our current newsletter. This site is about sharing stories, poems, art, realisations, (anything really!) with other devotees worldwide. All contributions are welcome and with your help Bhakti-vrksa Ireland will spread it's branches far and wide!
If you would like to contribute anything to Bhakti-vrksa Ireland you can e-mail your contributions to uddhava.sdg@com.bbt.se.
If you would like to see anything added to the site or are having technical problems with this site (different computer platforms / browsers etc.) you can contact Bhakta Paddy as he is in charge of site maintenance.
(As this site is very much under construction, some features such as dynamic fonts haven't been incorporated yet. It is highly recommended that in the interim, you download and install the Balaram font if you don't already have it.)
This site is best viewed in any version 4 browser in 800x600 24-bit screen resolution
Web and graphic design by Bhakta Paddy