Rehearsals commenced in the Ormond Multi Media centre, now gone, now hotelised into the Morrison, in a huge rehersal room with an eriee echo, echo, echo. There was no one there but the band. Vin and Dip played football across the dusty floor of a disused storeroom along the hall. Nobody watched but the echo, echo, echo. And Rory, becasue he was there and in need of some attention. As they choked sounds from the ether, suns exploded seventy million years after their light first left in search of new life. It was a comforting thought.


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Das Madman wrote 3 songs. The songs now are gone. Gone as Lassie and Hi Ho Silver are gone. Did they have names? Yes. There was Song 1, Song 2, and the other song. Rory and Simon hit things, Lisa sang. Vincent made noises. Against their better judgement, the Band took shape. It was like a disaster failing to happen.

John was there. John had a rhythm that made all the cats in the neighbourhood leave home squealing and horny. It was like that. Like watching an epileptic orgasm. You could feel dirty just by being in the room with them. The sit and curse and smoke and later drink till everything Vincent said made crazy sense. Now all they needed was a gig.


Duly there was the gig. The gig may or may not have been a success. It was not anything anyone there had heard before. Simon, like a feckless bastard quotes from Blixa Bargeld: We can, but… Everybody drinks a lot, and drifts off. People proffer uneasy compliments, as if they are not sure if it was any good, but they are too scared not to. The band fall into the chilly evening, rum and coconut butter to keep them warm.