Stone Circle and the Ecclesiastical Enclosure can be found on the Murphy
farm,in the townland of Templebryan North, near Shannonvale. (Templebryan
comes from the Irish; Teampall na mBrianach - Church of the O'Briens)
the link to view a map of the old Civil Parishes
Stone Circle:
The Stone Circle dates back to around 1200 B.C. and consisted of 9 stones
ringed around a central Quartz stone. Unfortunately 4 of the ringed stones
were removed over the years, but you can see from the diagram how they
were used to map the Sun and possibly work out seasons, time etc.
The remains of a Fulacht Fia -
(ancient cooking place) can be found close to the Stone Circle. A reconstructed
model can be seen at Lios na gCon Ringfort near Darrara College, Clonakilty.
The Ecclesiastical Enclosure consists of a circular
area of about 4 acres with a rectangular enclosure in the centre and within
this central enclosure are the foundations of a
Church, a Graveyard, a Pillar stone and Bullaun basin.
The circular fort was originally
a moated structure with double outer banks. Like many ancient sites of
worship,this structure was taken over by the Christian faith,a small stone
built church and graveyard were added in the centre and the outer wall
of the fort removed. The 11 foot Pillar Stone with traces of Ogham inscription
on the corners and also an early Christian cross which dates the Christian
envolvment with the site to around 600 AD. The Bullaun Stone, a basin
like stone object was believed to have the power to cure warts. Outside
the enclosure are the remains of a Holy Well, known as Tobernacilla -
Well of the church. Two Souterrains - underground passages - are also
contained in the enclosure and some Rock Art to the north east.
The Bishop of Clogher, referred
to the Templebryan Stone Circle as "An Ancient Heathen Temple"
during a visit to the area in 1743
Aerial view of the Enclosure showing the
rectangular Church & Graveyard
within the older
circular fort
Stone Circle, showing the remaining
5 Standing stones
around the central
Quartz stone
11 foot high Pillar Stone with Ogham inscription and Early Christian
(Patee) Cross. Also Bullane Basin (Stone Font)
to Shannon Vale Mill

Click on the
image above to view enlarged version.

Click on the
image above to view enlarged version.

Click on the image above to view enlarged version.

MacAlister (archaeologist)
in 1947