The Children of Lir 
  The Children of Lir by Kamila 
  Once there was a king called Lir. He had four children called Aodh, Con, Fiachra and Fionnuala. The Queen died and everybody was sad. So the king decided to marry again. He married a girl called Aoife. She was beautiful but her heart was hard like a stone and cold like ice. She was very good for the king but she was terrible to the children. The king spent a lot of time with the children playing. Aoife wanted to spend more time with the king so she thought of a very bad plan. She went to a magic man. He could do spells and things like that. The magic man gave her a bad spell. The spell meant that they would return into swans. The children went with Aoife to a little lake. They played in a lake..Aoife took out the wand and the chidren turned into swans. Aoife told them they will return into humans when they will hear the church bell and she told them that they would stay on this lake for 3 hundred years on another lake for 3 hundred years and on different lake for 3 hundred years then they will hear it. King told Aoife to go away from the castle. The king spend all his life with the children until he died. So they came up to go to another lake. The three hundred years went very slowly. But the time came up and they needed to go to another lake. Then they heard the bell and they return people. They died very soon after that.   children of Lir by Kamila 
  Children of Lir by Beth
Children of Lir by Beth 
  The Children of Lir by Angelique 
  Once there was a king called Lir. Lir had four children. They were called Aodh, Con, Fiachra, and Fionnuala. The children were sad because their mother died. Then one day Lir married a mother called Aoife. Aiofe was good to Lir but was not to the children. One day Aoife brought the children to the lake where they play every day. While they were playing Aoife pulled out a wand and waved it over the children. The children turned into swans. Lir was looking for his children. Lir was surprised when the swans could talk. "Father father" they called, "Aoife put a terrible spell on us." King Lir ran into the castle and banished Aoife. Lir spent his days talking to his children until he grew old and died. After they travelled to all the lakes they heard a church bell ring. A man called Caomhog was a priest. The priest sprinkled Holy water over them. The four children turned back but then died.  
  Children of Lir by Chloe
Children of Lir by Chloe 
  The Children of Lir by Seán 
  Children of Lir by Seán  Once there was a king called Lir. . He had four children called Aodh, Con, Fiachra and Fionnuala. Their mammy died. They were very sad. Their daddy was going to get married again. The children were angry. They didn't want their daddy to get married again. Their new mammy was called Aoife. She was jealous of the children. She was really nasty to the children. She put a spell on the children. They turned into swans. They would be swans for nine hundred years. They would have to go to three lakes. Then king Lir died. The church bell rang and a man called Caomhog came out. He put some Holy Water on them and the spell was broken.  
  The Children of Lir by Maeve 
  Once there was a King called Lir. He had four children. The children's mam died. They were very Sad. Their dad married a woman called Aoife. She looked nice but was evil. She always threatened them. She turned them into swans. King Lir went to the lake. He saw swans. "Father, Aoife put a spell on us"' they cried. King Lir banished Aoife from the castle.   Children of Lir by Maeve 
  The Children of Lir by Adam 
  Children of Lir by Adam  Once there was a king called Lir His wife died and his four children were very sad. So he decided to get married again. He got married to a woman called Aoife. She was not nice to the children. She wanted Lir to herself. S o Aoife turned the children into swans. Then Aoife said to them you will be here for nine hundred years. The children where not home for dinner so Lir went to look for them,.. He could not find the children. But then four swans swam up to him and told him what happened.  
  The Children of Lir by Caoimhe 
  Once there was a king called Lir. He had four children. The four children were called Aodh, Con, Fiachra and Fionnuala. His wife died. He married a lady, her name was Aoife. She was very nice to Lir but she was nasty to the children. Aoife saw a river. She went in a boat. She pulled out a wand and she made a spell. She turned the children into swans. She said you will be swans for nine hundred years. They flew off to a priest. He put holy water on their heads.   Children of Lir by Caoimhe 
  Children of Lir by Daniel H
Children of Lir by Daniel H 
  The Children of Lir by Amy 
  Once there was a king called King Lir. He had four children. His wife died. Everyone was sad. The children's names were Aodh, Con, Fiachra and Fionnuala. King Lir wanted to marry a girl called Aoife . Aoife wasn't very nice. She was very pretty. One day Aoife got jealous and got a plan to get rid of the children. She went to see the druid. She asked if he would turn them into swans. He said yes. Later that day Aoife turned them into swans. They stayed as swans for 901 years.  
  Children of Lir by Ruqayya
Children of Lir by Ruqayya 
  The Children of Lir by Megan 
  Once there was a king called Lir. He had four lovely children called Aodh, Con, Fiachra and Fionnuala. Aoife turned the children into swans. The king went over to the lake. He heard a voice saying "father, father, it's us your children. Aoife turned us into swans". We're going to be here for nine hundred years. The children went to another lake. There was a priest. He got holy water and threw it over their heads and they turned into old people.  
  Children of Lir by Ryan
Children of Lir by Ryan 
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