1 The League commences on Wednesday, 11th of October 2000 with matches played on each Wednesday following.


2 All matches start at 8.00pm sharp. There is a 15 minute grace after which the offending team forfeits the first frame. If the match does not commence within 30 minutes of the start time, the offending team forfeits the first point. If the match does not commence within the first hour the offending team forfeits the match. If a match has to be postponed 24 hour notice must be given to the other team and to the secretary. Contact must be made! The rearranged game must be played before the following Sunday as the result must be included in the press reports.


3 Games will be played on the best-of-three basis, with four players on each team. The teams get three points for an overall win, one point for a draw and nothing for a defeat. Pairs will be drawn at random. All matches must be played even if the score on the night is three nil.


4 A referee and scorekeeper (where possible) is appointed from each side on the night and his decision is final.


5 The written result of each match must be posted to Tom Plunkett at 'Breifne', Clareden Drive, Donegal Town, Co. Donegal to reach him not later than the Friday post following the fixture. If a team forgets, it is their responsibility to deliver the match sheet to Tom before the Sunday night by whatever means possible. This is the responsibility of the home team. If a match sheet is not returned, the home team will not score any points in the individual tournament for that week and a point will be deducted from the home team.


6 The home team must provide refreshments. The name of the League's sponsor should be given prominent coverage in the club. The Secretary will provide each club with a poster when the sponsor is confirmed.


7 In the event of a club entering more than one team, players may play for either team for the first three weeks of the league, after which the club must submit each team panel to the secretary, Tom Plunkett, 'Breifne', Clareden Drive, Donegal Town, Co. Donegal.


8 A penalty of £20 will be imposed on a team that doesn't turn up for a match and fails to give the required notice.


9 Any dispute or problem should be referred to a member of the Committee as soon as possible. This issue will be dealt with at a meeting of the Committee and club representatives. This meeting will take place within two weeks of the matter being reported.