The webmaster doesn't endorse any of the following advertisements or websites. Everyone must make up their own mind!
Snooker Dogs,Wildlife & Pets in English Fine Art Prints ...Snooker Playing Dogs in Art Fabprints. This collection has taken over 10 years to accumulate and includes 125+ Louis Wain Funny Dogs & Cats Art from 1885-1910. Also 900+ Pets,Wildlife,Crafts & Collectables in Fine Art Fabprints.
www.fcsnooker.co.uk…Developed in conjunction with snooker guru Frank Callan, widely recognised as the best snooker coach in the world, the information contained in this part of the web site is beneficial to players at all levels of ability and learning. With over 70 links and 200 pictorial supplements this is easily the most detailed snooker instruction available on the world wide web.
www.110sport.com…'Play Better Snooker' is arguably the best and most complete snooker instruction aid available, covering everything from basic fundamentals to the more advanced aspects of playing the game, with tuition and presentation from 110sport's Director of Coaching, former world champion Terry Griffiths. Snooker's leading coach teams up with all-time great Stephen Hendry MBE and current world No.1 Mark Williams to give players of every age or standard, the tips and advice needed to make their own game better. Not bad, three world champions – and some great coaching for just £19.95, including postage & packing!
brenfer jewellers…46 Capel Street, Dublin 1. Ph: 01-8727399;
sponsor of Fergal O'Brien; large selection of top cues and snooker accessories; largest array of darts equipment in Ireland; sports trophies; repairs and second hand jewellery a speciality
www.flyordie.com …Its 3d mp billiards has become 'most popular' on the web games site of RealNetworks:
www.real.com/games/webgames/ .
www.snookergames.co.uk …books, calendar, clip-art, games, history, Q & A, tuition videos
quaysideleisure@eircom.net…a Cork company which sells handcrafted snooker and pool cues at reasonable prices…distributors of SNOOKERCRAFTS handmade cues
www.biliardonline.it ...superb visuals...English version available…for snooker angles and tactics
http://www.ribsa.f2s.com/index.html...the bible of Irish snooker
http://home-3.worldonline.nl/~sonali/snookerlinks/99home.htm...links to everywhere
http://worldsnooker.com/ ...official site
http://www.dun-na-ngall.com...everything about County Donegal
http://www.laboremus.no/snooker/...information and loads of links
http://www.snookerweb.co.uk/...well put together and thorough
http://www.donegaltown.ie/...everything about Donegal Town
Ms Margaret Browne
County Dublin
Terry Griffiths School of Coaching
Town Hall Square
Carms SA15 3AA
Tel: +44 (0) 155 477 4494
Fax: +44 (0) 155 474 6686
Email: terrygriffiths@lineone.net
News on all billiard sports, but mostly snooker.
Pot Black Magazine
2 Scotgate Mews
Lincs, PE9 2FX
Tel: (44) 01780 480977
Fax: (44) 01780 480988
Homepage: http://potblack.subscriptions.co.uk/
Includes billiards news too.
Snooker Scene
Cavalier House
202 Hagley Road
Birmingham B16 9PG
Homepage: http://www.rileyleisure.com/sscene.htm
European billiard news. Mainly pool, but a little snooker too.
Hauptstraße 53
A-5600 St. Johann/Pg.
Tel: 0 64 12/76 35
Fax: 0 64 12/76 36-15
Homepage: http://www.tradepages.com/home/ebnews.html
Tables, cues, cloths etc.
Riley Leisure Ltd.
Riley House
Station Road
BB12 7AR
Tel: +44 (0) 1282 772500
Fax: +44 (0) 1282 775830
E-mail: sales@rileyleisure.com
Homepage: http://www.rileyleisure.com/
Cue Masters
With Stephen Hendry, Ken Doherty, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Alain Robidoux, Nigel Bond, Stephen Lee, Darren Morgan, Dennis Taylor, Marco Fu and Gary Wilkinson and more.
Cue Masters
P.O. Box 147
Stirling FK8 2YB
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 462634
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 450068
E-mail: cuemasters@btconnect.com
Embassy World Championship
The Box Office
The Crucible Theatre
55 Norfolk Street
Sheffield S1 1DA
Tel: +44 (0) 114 276 9922
Homepage: http://www.shef.ac.uk/city/theatres/crucible/