1999-2000 SEASON
Standing...Patsy McNulty (Treasurer), John Hanna (Sponsor-Hanna Hats), Colin Donnelly (Sponsor-SuperValu), Paddy McGroarty (Highest Break) and Kieran Temple (Chairman). Seated...John McGlanaghey (Club Steward), Tom Plunkett (Runner-up), Anthony Bonnar (Winner), Gerry McCloskey (Semi-finalist) and Phelim McClafferty (Semi-finalist). |
Donegal Town Snooker Club would like to thank its many sponsors who have contributed so much to the success of the club in the past year. We could not have hosted the County Championship without the help of our main sponsors
Supervalu and Hanna Hats and the generosity of McGroarty's Bar, F.B.D. Insurance, Dunlevy PVC Windows & Doors, Irish Permanent, E&J Oil, Errigal Grill, Allied Irish Banks, Ulster Bank and Abbott Ireland.We also pay tribute to the sponsors of the many tournaments that we ran during the season. We thank
Barry Mulreany for sponsoring the Harry Diver Cup; The National, Jimmy's Tavern, The Blue Stack and The Dew Drop Inn for sponsoring the Pool Pairs Championship and Kieran Mullin for never failing to provide sandwiches for every home game during a busy league season. We thank David Crawford for sponsoring the Coulter Cup.Finally we express our sincere gratitude to
Dom and Michael Breslin for their substantial gift to the club at a time when major expenditure was being considered to upgrade the facilities. It was totally unsolicited but very much in keeping with the character of the two men. We hope that they and all our sponsors over the past seasons are pleased with the progress of the club in that time and we hope that they will continue to be associated with us in the years ahead.For the past 46 years the club have always found the business community in the town supportive
when fund-raising was required. Donegal Town is indeed fortunate to have so many firms prepared to sponsor a huge variety of sports clubs. Without them the area would be a much duller place.