Lizzie’s Page!

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Official Name:


Lizzie Kelly


Lizard Specimen:


Leopard Gecko Lizard


Welcomed into family on:


October 1999


As a Juvenile:


One word...HUNGRY!  As a youngster, Lizzie could polish off a healthy dose of crickets in one sitting.  I just remember that look of intensity as she eyed up her next meal!




Leopard geckos are nocturnal so most of her activity can be seen at night.  During the day you may be lucky enough to catch her strutting around her tank as she regulates her body temperature


Favourite food/snacks:


Lizzie is fed on a stable diet of medium-sized brown crickets supplemented with a vitamin-enriched powder.  As a treat I feed her waxworms (which is the equivalent of chocolate or pizza to us!).


Why we love her:


She's just beautiful to look at (especially after she shed's her skin).